Page 15 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 15

Membership Report: For the 2010 year, the current membership within the society is
               approximately even with the previous year, (2009) of people who have sponsored money to the
               Historical Society.  Pat Saletore will ask an intern to focus on calling membership applications
               and hopefully get members to sponsor back into the Historical Society.  Jeff Boultinghouse feels
               sending membership applications out after Christmas was a good idea since the society received
               a better response.

               School Tours Report: Barbara Martinelli spoke about school tours and the interest of the
               Quester, they are excited about the school tours and highly supportive.  There are 23 more
               classes scheduled and bus tours with five classes in June.  Barbara presented letter generated by
               students in Ruthann Murthy third grade class who previously visited the station.

               Gift Shop Report: Cathy Martin spoke, she was happy about the results of the gift shop income
               made at the Cowboy Festival, Saturday was a great day, and a total income of $2,528 in three
               days was accumulated for the event. She would like to send a thank you to Diane Vradenberg for
               her assistance with the festival.  Diane sold all of the Newhall Books, still needs to pay for other
               books outstanding.

               Fund Raisers:
               Chuck- wagon BBQ

               Program Report:
               Flickers on June 1ith,  "Suddenly" a Phil Scorza video of local history, the 100 anniversary of the
               filming of Ramona in the area, remaking of the film about local filming.

               Camulos would like a special meeting of the Dam tour sometime this summer for the people of
               Ventura, approx 50 docents who would be willing to chip in for the cost of the bus EJ would like
               a budget of $200 for the Camulos adventure,. $5 dollars tickets hopefully 60 -80 people and a
               profit of two hundred for the event, motion to approve $200 to make $400 for flickers.

               June 19 Ted Faye will talk about the Borax Mine

               Restoration Report:
               Sue Yurosek spoke about painting the station, and the caulking of the seams. Quester are
               arranging for the meeting of the flooring of Pardee House, and money needed on painting of the
               Edison house, no other news.

               The Tea was a success, did very well on the raffle $561, $2,841 generated on the tea.

               Cathy made a suggestion for up-dating the master card machine. What would be the cost of a
               wireless master card machine, or what is the cost of up-grading the current machine.

               Old Business:
               Trailers - No news at this time.
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