Page 12 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 12

entertainment, Maria's deli a check for $425. And$ 1,175 for expenses the income was $1,100
               and Duane Harte will give a check to Pat Saletore for the Wm. S. Hart Museum.

               Restoration Report: Pat Saletore discussed the restoration project and the cost of the project.
               The project is expensive; so far painters have stripped the old paint in front of the station all the
               way to either side.  The painters have gone all the way to the bare wood to remove the lead.  The
               original coats put on during the making of the building is not responding to the removal process,
               the coat of orange could be a varnish not sure what will cut the original coat of orange which has
               not responded to the removal process, the painters wear hazrnat uniforms to complete this task,
               when it comes to sanding the wood the workers will cover the building. See estimate from Duane

               Guest - Maggi Perkins shared writings and correspondence from her grandfather, A. B. Perkins.
               Maggi showed books and clippings to board members.

               Old Business: none

               New Business: scanner and photo stand new to the station, purchased with the money from the
               grant from last year, of$7000 from the city over a year ago.

               Executive Director's Report:  Pat showed slides on her computer of the
              restoration of the station, pictures of how the station looked before
              restoration started.

              Adjournment:  7:42 P.M. Alan Pollack moved for closing and Sue Yurosek seconded it.

              Next Board Meeting - April 26, 20 IO at 6:30 P .M. At the Train Station
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