Page 13 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 13

SCV Historical Society
                                             Board of Director's Meeting
                                                     April 26, 2010

               Call to Order:  Meeting was called to order 6:46pm

               Present: Alan Pollack, Jeff Boultinghouse, Barbara Martinelli, Duane Harte, Sue Yurosek, Pat
               Saletore, Sioux Coghlan, Cathy Martin, E. J. Stephens, John Boston

               Absent:  Nancy Cordova, Laurene Weste

               Minutes Approved:  March minutes approved with a correction by Alan Pollack and Jeff

               Introduction of Guests: Norm Phillips, Scott Sivley, Santa Clarita Model Train Club

               Santa Clarita Model Train Club member Steve Kerr and with other club members spoke about
               the possibility of a model layout of the baggage and express room of the SCV train station, the
               model would be incorporated into the original station. Steve would like an historical model of the
               Soledad Cyn. line from Santa Clarita to Lancaster constructed for the early years of existence, by
               using San Juan maps to the actual route of the station for the early history of SCV.  The club
               would like to be a part of the SCV historical society and become a society within the SCV
               historical society, all members would be part of the society and help support the club activities,
               by getting families and young involved in the making of the modeling of the trains layout and the
               operations of the trains within the model railroad. People in the club would show the railroad
               history by becoming docent in the SCV historical society. The time frame for this project is
               project to a year or two depending on the moving of the museum and gift shop to the Pardee
               House.  Research for this project will take some time to get data and information about the
               layout. Need to look at corporate charter 301c to see if the proposal is possible in the historical
               society. Train club does not want to be separate from the SCV Historical Society. (See proposal
               attached to agenda)

               Norm Phillips Presentation
               Contract with the county ( see attachment of documents enclosed) please look at the draft and
               note changes, Norm would like to reconvene in a few weeks to compare with the original
               document by way of the internet.

               Pat Saletore and Norm Phillips are battling for the sewer permit fees and are hoping for reduction
               of fees from Newhall Water Co. to get a sewer system into the park.

               Scott Sivley discussed the monies being used for the haunt, Scott would prefer a better system of
               following of the money to the SCV Historical Society, and he would prefer to have the money
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