Page 19 - wintererdurham1962
P. 19

GEOLOGY OF SOUTHEASTERN VENTURA BASIN                                287

     stone member of the Modelo are included in the      shale.  Elliposidal limy concretions, some more than
     Towsley formation.                                  6 feet long, are scattered through the shale. At most
      Rocks of the Modelo formation crop out in a band   places concretions are alined along definite horizons.
    along the crest of the Santa Susana Mountains and    Thin lenses and small nodules of nearly white phos
    along the axis of the Pico anticline.  Although the base  phatic material occur in the shale at several strati
    of the formation is not exposed within the area shown  graphic levels. The nodules commonly contain fish
    on the geologic map (pl. 44), the Modelo formation   bones and scales.
    rests unconformably on the Topanga(?) formation a      Layers of light-colored silty to coarse-grained sand
    short distance south of the mapped area in the Aliso  stone are interbedded in the shale at many places.
    Canyon oil field (White and others, 1952). The       The layers range from laminae to beds several feet
    Modelo is present in the subsurface in all parts of the  thick. The sandstone beds are generally graded from
    eastern Ventura basin except for the area northeast of  coarse at the bottom to fine grained at the top and are
    the San Gabriel fault and the area east of a line ap  like the sandstone beds in the overlying Towsley for
    proximately through the towns of Newhall and Saugus.  mation in every important respect.
    In the subsurface near Newhall the Modelo formation    The upper part of the Modelo formation is exposed in
    wedges out and is overlapped by the Towsley formation.  a belt along the axis of the Pico anticline from East
    Westward from Newhall the thickness of the Modelo    Canyon to Big Moore Canyon.      In the vicinity of
    increases to at least 5,000 feet, but because no wells  Rice Canyon a thickness of about 1,000 feet of Modelo
    in the western part of the area have reached the base  formation is exposed below the Towsley formation.
    of the formation, the total thickness is not known.  In  The lithology is similar to that of the upper part of the
    the subsurface throughout most of the region the     formation described above. Several deep exploratory
    Modelo formation cannot consistently be differentiated  wells that were drilled along the Pico anticline show that
    from the overlying Towsley formation because of the  the thickness of the Modelo formation increases from
    lithologic similarity and lenticular nature of the sand  about 3,000 feet at the crest of the Santa Susana
    stone and conglomerate lenses in both formations.    Mountains to at least 5,000 feet near the axis of the
                                                                            FOSSILS AND  AGE
      Near the crest of the Santa Susana Mountains, in
                                                           The only mollusks found in the Modelo formation are
    the area of Aliso and Rice Canyons, a complete section  valves of a small Delectopecten.  Fish bones and scales
    of the Modelo formation is exposed.  In Aliso Canyon  are common, especially in the more platy shales, and
    (outside the mapped area), the Topanga.(?) formation  foraminifers are plentiful in some layers.  The lower
    is overlain by a unit about 300 feet thick of gray to  part of the Modelo formation in Aliso Canyon contains
    grayish-orange medium- to coarse-grained well-sorted  a foraminiferal fauna representative of the Luisian
    sandstone with lenses of pebble- to cobble-conglom   stage of Kleinpell (White and others, 1952).  Forami
    erate.  Above the basal sandstone of the Modelo a
                                                         niferal faunas from several localities in the upper part
    sequence of grayish-brown, brownish-gray, and grayish  of the Modelo formation in the Santa Susana Mountains
    black, poorly indurated, thinly laminated to thin-bedded  region are given in table 2. The faunas that have any
    silty and sandy shale about 400 feet thick is overlain  age significance seem to represent the Mohnian stage
    by about 800 feet of pale yellowish-orange hard platy,  of Kleinpell, including the Bolivina hughest zone, except
    thinly laminated to thin-bedded cherty shale, clay shale,  for the faunas from localities f10 and f11, between Rice
    and porcellaneous shale. The upper part of the forma  and East Canyons, which may represent the Delmon
    tion, about 1,500 feet thick near Rice Canyon, con   tian stage (Patsy B. Smith, oral communication, 1954).
    sists chiefly of softer fine-grained rock.  The siltstone,
                                                                UPPER MIOCENE AND LOWER PLIOCENE
    claystone, and mudstone are laminated to thick bedded,
    light brownish gray or grayish orange when fresh,                     TOWSLEY FORMATIOn
    medium brown when weathered.     The thinly lami
    nated, platy to punky silty shale is grayish brown to
    light brownish gray, grayish orange, pale red, or pale  Along the north slopes of the Santa Susana Mountains
    red purple. At many places fractures and bedding     the fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Modelo for
    planes are encrusted with gypsum and coated with a   mation are overlain by and interfinger with a sequence
    yellow powdery mineral that is probably jarosite.    of light-colored sandstone, conglomerate, and inter
      Occasional beds of gray impure limestone, which    bedded brown-weathering mudstone beds.    This se
    commonly weathers pale yellowish orange and is prob  quence was named the Towsley formation by the
    ably of concretionary origin, are interstratified in the  authors (1954) for its good exposures in the vicinity
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