Page 14 - wintererdurham1962
P. 14

282                          SHORTER  CONTRIBUTIONS TO   GENERAL   GEOLOGY

              greatly thinned section that contains several uncon  grained and range in composition from granite to
              formities.                                           quartz diorite.
                Within the province between the San Gabriel and      An important unit of the sequence of pre-Cretaceous
              Santa Susana faults, the formations of late Tertiary  crystalline rocks, present on the northeast side of the
              age thin markedly and become coarser grained toward  San Gabriel fault but not present in the mapped area,
              the east, where successively younger formations rest is a large body of anorthosite and norite containing
              directly on the lower Tertiary and pre-Cretaceous rocks  irregular-shaped magnetite-ilmenite bodies. This oc
              of the San Gabriel Mountains.  The Modelo and the    currence of the anorthosite-norite suite is unique in
              Towsley formations and the lower part of the Pico    California, with the exception of a possible occurrence
              formation were deposited in a marine environment,    in a small area in or near the San Andreas fault zone
              probably at depths greater than 600 feet.   During   more than 100 miles southeast, on the north side of
              deposition of the Pico the water became gradually    Coachella Valley. The anorthosite-norite suite is easy
              shallower, and the overlying Saugus formation repre  to recognize as clasts in conglomerates, and its presence
              sents chiefly nonmarine conditions.  The contact be  in a conglomerate is presumptive evidence of a San
              tween the Pico and the Saugus, that is, the marine   Gabriel Mountains provenance, even though by a
              nonmarine interface, rises stratigraphically toward the  circuitous and interrupted route.
                                                                                   TERTIARY SYSTEM
                South of the Santa Susana fault system the strata
                                                                                      EOCENE SERIES
              of late Cenozoic age are thin or even absent in many
              places, although a very thick succession of Pliocene   Eocene rocks exposed in a small area in Elsmere
              and Pleistocene strata is present in a narrow belt along  Canyon are the oldest sedimentary rocks that crop
              the southern margin of the San Gabriel Mountains.    out within the area shown on the geologic map.  The
                                                                   possible Eocene age of these rocks was first realized by
                           PRE-CRETACEOUS ROCKS
                                                                   Homer Hamlin, who directed W. L. Watts to the out
                                                                   crops.  Watts (1901, p. 56–57) noted the resemblance
                The San Gabriel Mountains consist of a complex
                                                                   of these rocks to sandstones of the Sespe district now
              assemblage of igneous and metamorphic rocks that
                                                                   assigned to the Domengine stage, but he apparently
              constitute the oldest rocks in the mapped area.  No
                                                                   found no fossils.
              attempt was made during fieldwork to distinguish
                                                                     The rocks consist chiefly of light- to medium-gray
              units within these rocks for this report, and statements
                                                                   well-indurated fine- to medium-grained sandstone that
              concerning them result from incidental observations
                                                                   weathers grayish orange, interbedded with medium- to
              made along their contacts with the younger sedimen
                                                                   dark-gray siltstone that weathers light to moderate
              tary rocks, from brief reconnaissance trips into the San
                                                                   brown, and grayish-orange conglomeratic sandstone
              Gabriel Mountains, and from a perusal of published
                                                                   that weathers light gray. The coarser beds are gen
              and unpublished maps and reports on the area.
                                                                   erally very thick bedded.  Graded bedding is a prev
                The oldest exposed rocks in the mapped area are
                                                                   alent feature in the sandstone layers.
              assigned to the Placerita formation of Miller (1934)
                                                                     In Elsmere Canyon the Eocene rocks are in fault
              and consist of schist, gneiss, quartzite, and marble.
                                                                   contact with the pre-Cretaceous crystalline rocks and
              This formation of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks
              has been intruded by the Rubio diorite of Miller (1934)  are overlain unconformably by rocks of early Pliocene
                                                                   age.  Neither the base nor the top of the Eocene
              which consists chiefly of hornblende and biotite dio
                                                                   sequence is exposed.  Many wells near Newhall have
              rite gneiss.  In many places the diorite and metamor
                                                                   penetrated Eocene rocks.  One well, Continental Oil
              phic rocks are so intimately associated that separation
                                                                   Phillips 1, was drilled about 6,500 feet through Eocene
              into mappable units is impossible.  Miller (1934) in
                                                                   rocks (pl. 45) before reaching crystalline rocks.  The
              cluded such mixed rocks in his San Gabriel formation
                                                                   dip of the beds in this well is mainly between 20° and
              (1931). These older rocks are intricately crumpled
                                                                   60°, but the possibility that reverse faults repeat parts
              and fractured, but some of the marble units can be
                                                                   of the succession makes it difficult to estimate the
              traced continuously for many hundreds of feet.  At
                                                                   thickness of the sequence.
              some places, particularly in the Grapevine Canyon      Some of the more friable sandstone beds in Elsmere
              area, dark mylonite is common.
                                                                   Canyon are saturated with tar, and heavy oil oozes
                Plutonic igneous rocks that are probably much young  from some fractures.  Shows of oil in the Eocene rocks
              er than the Placerita formation of Miller (1934) and  have been reported from many wells, and a few wells
              the Rubio diorite of Miller (1934) intrude the older  in Whitney Canyon have produced high-gravity light
              formations.  These younger rocks are medium to coarse  green oil, apparently from Eocene rocks.
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