Page 17 - wintererdurham1962
P. 17

GEOLOGY OF SOUTHEASTERN VENTURA BASIN                                285

    graphic relationships of the Mint Canyon formation  Canyon formation also unconformably overlies Eocene
    to the younger marine rocks, believed the range of the  sedimentary rocks and the crystalline basement com
    genus extends to the Miocene.                       plex, considered to be pre-Cretaceous.
      Although Kew (1924, p. 52) recorded a marked un
    conformity between the marine rocks and the Mint        STRATIGRAPHY AND LITHOLOGY  IN THE  MAPPED  AREA
    Canyon formation in Haskell Canyon, Stirton (1933,
                                                          In the northeastern part of the mapped area, the Mint
    p. 569–576) and later Clements (1937, p. 215) indicated
                                                        Canyon formation crops out in a predominantly fine
    that the relationship is an interfingering or gradational
                                                        grained sequence of greenish-gray siltstone units and
    one. Jahns (1939, p. 822) was able to demonstrate a
                                                        interstratified sandstone, conglomerate, and thin tuff
    distinct, though in places slight, angular discordance
                                                        beds.  The formation has been compressed into a series
    between the marine rocks and the Mint Canyon for
                                                        of comparatively tight, nearly westward trending folds.
    mation.  He agreed with Eaton (1939, p. 534) that
                                                        Resistant sandstone and conglomerate beds form prom
    the Mint Canyon formation thins to the northwest by
                                                        inent hills and ridges; less resistant siltstone units form
    a loss of basal beds.
                                                        a more subdued topography that includes the hum
      Grant's examination of additional collections of
                                                        mocky landscape typical of landslide areas.
    invertebrates from the marine rocks (Maxson, 1938a,
                                                          Greenish-gray siltstone units include beds of mud
    p. 1716–1717) permitted a more exact determination
                                                        stone and claystone and thin beds of sandstone and
    than had previously been possible of their age as Neroly
                                                        tuff.  The siltstone commonly has sharp contacts with
    (uppermost Miocene).  Kleinpell (1938, p. 71) referred
                                                        interstratified sandstone and conglomerate, although at
    meager foraminiferal faunas collected from the marine
                                                        some places the contacts are gradational.  Bedding in
    rocks to the Delmontian stage and agreed with the
                                                        the siltstone is generally indistinct or contorted due to
    concept of the contemporaneity of the marine rocks
                                                        the folding of the beds.  Gypsum, found along the
    and the Mint Canyon formation.      Later, M. N.
                                                        bedding planes and in fractures, and small bits of
    Bramlette  examined foraminiferal collections from the
                                                        carbonaceous matter are conspicuous in the siltstone.
    lower part of the marine sequence and considered the
                                                        Fresh-water fossils are abundant in some horizons.
    faunas as indicative of a late Mohnian (pre-Delmontian
                                                        The fresh-water gastropod Paludestrina imitator Pilsbry
    late Miocene) age.
                                                        has been identified (Kew, 1924, p. 54) in the formation.
      The Mint Canyon formation is undeniably older than
                                                          The vitric and crystal tuff beds are massive and white
    marine rocks deposited during at least part of late
    Miocene time, based on the invertebrate time scale of  to gray; they break with a blocky or conchoidal frac
    California. Jahns (1940, p. 172) considered the Mint  ture.  The tuffs are commonly finely laminated, cross
    Canyon formation to be of late Miocene age, a desig  stratified, and ripple marked.
    nation consistent with the stratigraphic position of the  Most of the sandstone beds are light tan or yellowish
    formation in the marine sequence.  He also pointed  brown but some are greenish gray.  They are arkosic,
    out that the faunal gradation within the formation  and generally poorly sorted, and show cross-stratifica
    indicates that the deposition took place over a consid  tion, channeling, and local erosion of beds.  Pebbly
    erable time interval.                               sandstone beds and sandstone beds with pebble string
      The Mint Canyon formation (restricted) of Jahns   ers and lenses are common; the beds are from a few
                                                        inches to several tens of feet thick.
    (1939) unconformably overlies his Tick Canyon and
    older formations. Jahns (1940, p. 174–175) regarded    Pebble, cobble, and boulder conglomerates contain
    his Tick Canyon formation as late early Miocene or  clasts that range from angular to well rounded, but
    possibly earliest middle Miocene in age.            the majority are subrounded.   A count of 430 clasts
      The Mint Canyon and Tick Canyon formations of     from one pebble conglomerate showed the following
    Jahns (1939) overlie with pronounced unconformity    percentages of rock types:
    beds called the Escondido series by Hershey (1902,
                                                            Gneiss-----------------------------------------  58. 5
    p. 349–372), referred to the Sespe(?) formation by      Volcanic rocks----------------------------------  34. 8
    Kew (1924, p. 38–39), and named Vasquez series by       Anorthosite (and related rocks) -------------------  3. 0
    Sharp (1935, p. 314) since Hershey's term is pre        Quartzite--------------------------------------  1. 4
    Occupied. The Vasquez is of continental origin, is      Schist-----------------------------------------  ... 2
                                                            Miscellaneous----------------------------------  2. 1
    unfossiliferous, and has been tentatively referred to the
    Oligocene by Jahns (1940, p. 170–171). The Mint                                                    100. 0
     | Daviess, S. N., 1942, Contact relationship between Mint Canyon formation and  The igneous and metamorphic rock types are like
    upper Miocene marine beds in eastern Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, Califor
    ila: Unpublished M. S. thesis, California Univ. at Los Angeles.  those found in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains and
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