Page 22 - wintererdurham1962
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                 destroyed the foraminiferal tests.  Where the rocks    Some of the mappable sandstone and conglomerate
                 are well bedded or where foraminiferal concretions are  units can be traced laterally for only a few hundred
                 present, interstratal solution probably destroyed all  yards.  Others, like the resistant unit that is so well
                 calcareous  shells  except  those  protected  within  exposed north of the axis of the Pico anticline where
                 concretions.                                         Towsley Canyon narrows to a gorge, can be traced for
                   At a few places in the Towsley formation thin units  several miles.  Even this persistent unit is variable in
                 of yellowish-gray shale with paper-thin laminations  both lithology and thickness from place to place.  At
                 crop out.  In these laminae fish bones and scales are  the narrows in Towsley Canyon it is about 225 feet
                 abundant, and well-preserved mud pectens (Delecto    thick and consists largely of conglomerate.  Clasts
                 pecten sp.) are common.                              near the base of the unit are as large as 18 inches in
                   Sandstone and conglomerate–In many areas, the      diameter.  One mile northwest of Towsley Canyon,
                 sandstone and conglomerate units are firmly cemented  near Little Moore Canyon, the unit is only a few feet
                 so that they produce bold topographic forms.  Many   thick and  consists of sandstone.  At  Little Moore
                 streams have waterfalls in their courses where they  Canyon the unit thickens and coarsens abruptly again,
                 cross these resistant units.  The dense cover of brush  then gradually thins toward Pico Canyon.  South of
                 that grows on most sandy slopes is nearly impenetrable  the axis of the Pico anticline in Towsley Canyon the
                 in some areas, especially along the Santa Susana     same unit consists of coarse-grained sandstone.
                 Mountains in the upper reaches of Towsley and Pico     The clasts of pebble or larger size in the conglomerate
                 Canyons.  Many of the sandstone and conglomerate     represent a great variety of rock types.  At most
                 units contain large concretions such as those shown in  places gneiss and leucocratic plutonic rocks constitute
                 figure 51. Bedding planes pass through the concre    about 80 percent of the clasts.  Dark volcanic rocks,
                 tions without interruption.  Individual beds within  chiefly andesite but representing a wide range in com
                 these mappable units range from thin laminae to beds  position, generally make up about 15 percent, and a
                 at least 5 feet thick. At many exposures single beds  host of other rock types, including quartzite, vein
                 several feet thick pinch out completely in a few tens of  quartz, chert, aplite, gabbro, norite, and anorthosite,
                 feet. The beds of conglomerate tend to be the most   constitute the remainder.
                 variable in thickness.

                                   FIGURE 51.-Concretionary sandstone unit in the Towsley formation on the crest of the Santa Susana Mountains.
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