Page 24 - wintererdurham1962
P. 24

292                          SHORTER  CONTRIBUTIONS TO   GENERAL   GEOLOGY

                 partly because of successive overlap of lower parts of  the formation consists chiefly of conglomeratic sand
                 the formation by beds higher in the formation. An    stone interbedded with relatively minor amounts of
                 unconformity at the base of the overlying Pico forma  siltstone and mudstone.  Figure 52 shows the basal
                 tion truncates strata of the Towsley formation near  part of the Towsley formation where it rests on quartz
                 Elsmere and Whitney Canyons.                         diorite on the divide between Elsmere and Whitney
                   From Whitney Canyon south to Grapevine Canyon      Canyons.   The lowest part of the Towsley formation
                 the basal beds of the Towsley formation lie directly on  here consists of large, closely spaced blocks of quartz
                 pre-Cretaceous igneous and metamorphic rocks.  The   diorite.  The interstices between blocks are filled with
                 crystalline rocks near the contact generally show no  sand and rounded pebbles and cobbles of a variety of
                 evidence of pre-Towsley weathering.  The degree of rock types.   Lying above the basal rubble are lenticular
                 fracturing in the crystalline rocks is not perceptibly  beds of conglomerate and sandstone.  The upper beds
                 more intense near the contact than at places farther  overlap the rubble and rest directly on the quartz dio
                 away. The surface of contact is jagged in detail but  rite in the upper part of the figure. At some places,
                 local relief on the surface is generally not greater than  particularly in the area near the southeast corner of
                 1 or 2 feet.  Viewed more broadly, the contact is very  section 18, T. 3 N., R. 15 W., mound-shaped lenses of
                 eVen.                                                light-gray hard calcareous fine-grained sandstone occur
                   At most places the basal bed of the Towsley forma  near the base of the formation. They are a few yards
                 tion is a well-indurated conglomerate containing, in  in diameter, as much as 10 feet thick, and interfinger
                 addition to well-rounded clasts of a great variety of  with softer sandstone and pebbly sandstone beds.
                 rock types, angular blocks of crystalline rock of very  Erosion of the softer beds has left some of the hard
                 local derivation.  In Elsmere Canyon the coarse basal  lenses standing as prominent knobs. The lenses are
                 beds are about 15 feet thick; in places in Grapevine  generally very fossiliferous; specimens of Lucinoma an
                 Canyon the conglomerate or breccia is only a few inches  nulata (Reeve), identified by Winterer, are particularly
                 thick and is overlain by fine-grained silty sandstone.  abundant.
                 In Whitney Canyon and on the divide between Whitney    In Elsmere Canyon the lower conglomeratic beds are
                 and Elsmere Canyons the entire exposed thickness of  overlain by a sequence about 150 feet thick of fossilif

                                                                                                      ºr "º   º
                                                                                            -  ---    -
                       FIGURE 52.-Contact of Towsley formation (Tt) with quartz diorite of pre-Cretaceous basement complex (Bc.) on ridge between Whitney and
                                                               Elsmere Canyons.
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