Page 6 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 6

Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society                                                                   Page 1 of 3

    Duane Harte

     From:   Pat Saletore [}
     Sent:   Tuesday, February 23, 2010 3:24 PM
     To:     'Alan Pollack'; 'Jeff Boultinghouse'; 'Duane Harte'; Sioux Coghlan; Laurene Weste; 'sobranch'; 'Cathy Martin'; E.
             Stephens;; 'Glen Rollins'; Scott Sivley; 'Gordon Glattenberg'; Francesca Gastil
     Subject: MinFeb2010.doc
                                 Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society

                                       Board of Directors Meeting

                                           February 22, 2010

    Call to Order:
    President Alan Pollack called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM with the following board members present:
    Sue Yurosek, Cathy Martin, Jeff Boultinghouse, Alan Pollack, Duane Harte, Barbara Martinelli, John
    Boston, Nancy Cordova, Laurene Weste, and Pat Saletore, Executive Director.  Sioux Coghlan was
    excused because she is in the hospital.  E.J. Stephens had a scheduling conflict. Visitors Norm Phillips
    and Kimel Conway were introduced and allowed to speak before the rest of the agenda.   : ·

    Kimel Conway asked for comments or questions about the delayed contract agreement pending:
    between the Historical Society and L.A. County Parks.  He noted that it had been some tim:e:since he had
    seen any ofus because other contracts had taken precedence, but now it was again being considered.  The
    temporary document that we had negotiated was only a precursor to the final document.  The:document as
    we negotiated will return with any changes that the County Counsel has added for our consicleration.
    They expect to have this settled by the time the temporary agreement runs out this June.

    He also offered a compromise on the disposition of the truck trailers used by the Haunt and the Society
    for storage.  They would allow us to move them to another place onsite to get them out of the street side

    The following officers were elected by acclamation:

           Alan Pollack, President
           Jeff Boultinghouse, 1 Vice President

           Sue Yurosek, 2 nd  Vice President

           Duane Harte, Treasurer

           Sioux Coghlan, Recording Secretary
           Nancy Cordova, Corresponding Secretary

    Jeff Boultinghouse moved to approve the January 25, 2010 minutes, Laurene Weste seconded and the
    motion carried.

    Nancy Cordova noted that all correspondence was up to date, but that she didn't have a list available.
    Treasurers report was presented a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes. Some discussion
    ensued on the cost of the Chuckwagon event.  It was noted that we had not yet received a budget from

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