Page 2 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 2

SCV Historical Society
                                                  Board of Directors Meeting
                                                      January 25, 2010

               Call to Order
               President Alan Pollock called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.

               Present:  Cathie  Kincheloe,  Duane  Harte,  Jeff Boultinghouse,  Laurene  Weste,  Cathy  Martin,  Barbara
               Martinelli and Alan Pollack.

               Absent: Nancy Cordova, Sue Yurosek, Kristyn Van Wy,  and EJ Stephens

               Carol Rock, Scott Sivley, Norm Philips, John Boston, Sioux Coghlan.

               Carol Rock came to discuss the Dam Tour on March 13,  2010 the history of the Dam and what the tour
               will cover is from 11 :00 to 12 noon, with the tour following. The city is no longer able to provide the buses
               due  to  Federal  regulations  regarding  buses  that are  city  owned.  Carol  has  investigated  private  tour
               companies, the AV Express will do it for about $660 she is going to see if she can get them talked down.
               The board will  need to make a  decision on how to handle the expense of the bus.  The tour is a  good
               source of revenue; Carol will contact Alan and Laurene of the answer.

               Frank Rock receives 20% of the ticket sale now we have that addition of $660 for the bus. Publicity wilt be
               beginning in February.

               Laurene moved to approve the $660 for the expense of the bus, Jeff second. Motion carried.

               Chuck Wagon Western Entertainment Night is April 22 this is the 5 year we have partnered with the City.
               The entertainment this year is Sons & Brothers a 5-person an up and coming group. There is a link on our
               website, their fee is $5,000, but Carol got them down to $1,000, we provide the five hotel rooms for Thur.
               night at the City rate.  Same chuck wagon cooks as last year.  Forty  tickets have been sold.  A  sound
               system will be required; Carol has found someone who will do it for transportation expenses of $500.00.
               One sponsor for the lighting the same feHow as last year T & T Lighting Tim Christianson. Also, need two
               rooms for the cooks. Carole is hoping that we can get two rooms free from the city.

               Norm will work out the cost of parking. Carol asked if the Board would attend because it is a very positive.
               Cathy asked about the liquor expense,  we lost money last year because of the  insurance.  Discussion
              foltowed.  Carol will send an e-mail to Alan  and he can share with the board.  Laurene asked  what the
               ticket price is,  $40.00. We could have 200 people here. Advertising was discussed. Expenses so far are
               $2,950 not including the cost of soda and alcohol.

               Scott Spivey came for the discussion of the Haunt stating that one out of four who attended the Haunt
              was from out of town. The publicity worked.
               Norm discussed the trailers.  The- park is concerned  about the- trailers that are using for storage for the
               Haunt and our things.  The trailers have never been part of the contract they are only temporary.  Norm
              discussed the contract Norm provided a map of our area the map is attached and made a part of these
               minutes.  A  decision has to be made about what to do with  the trailers.  Jeff answered some of Norm's
               concerns.  Discussion regarding the County Contract followed.  Jeff and Alan have been negotiating with
              the county on the contract Norm pointed out the gray area on the map are buildings that are approved.
              Discussion followed. The old contract does not allow for trailers.  The board would need to send notice to
              the  county asking  if the trailers could stay and be made permanent and  safe from earthquakes.  Scott
              asked if Norm thought they would look better with sides or facades so they looked like buildings. Norm
              stated that something would need to be put into writing  regarding what action would be taken.  Barbara
              asked if the trailers could be moved and taken out and bought back when needed. Laurene suggested a
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