Page 4 - scvhs20102017minutes
P. 4

hoped that this wm be completed before the Valentine event.
               Duane reported that the grant from NewhaJJ  Foundation is running short.  something needs to happen
               soon or the money will need to be returned. lf we have the signed contract for the Train Station painting
               that would be sufficient.

               Jeff reported on the grant from the city for the scanning equipment

               Cathy reported the Tequita Tasting is not going to be on site, she is going to cotlaborate with a restaurant
               locafly.  The woufd have the license and insurance so that will make it easier.  She will keep the board

               ED Report:
               Jt is looking like a good chance of getting the sewer. Pat reported on the books that we received these
              are reference books on Southern catifomia history. lt is very impressive. We have a  volunteer to be the
               librarian, the woman who catatoged the collection before witl return to catalogue the new books. Laurene
               said she thinks we can get the ofd shelving from the Newhall Library. The library will at some time move
               into  the  Pardee  House.  Laurene  mentioned  that  the  floor  in  the  Pardee  House  woufd  have  to  be
               reinforced  to  handle the  weight of the  books  and shelves.  Laurene mentioned an engineer who  will
              votunteer to look at the floor.
               Pat has been pruning roses. The roses are beginning to look like they are cared for.  Pat discussed other
               volunteers  and  opportunities  for  the  volunteers.  Also  acquired  another  intern  from  COC.   Stuff  is

              The Greek angel came in with $2000 and he wUI be coming out next month he has loaned a  painting to
              the Autry prior hanging in his living room, he is having a  print made for us to hang in the museum. Pat
              sent him a golden spike. She sent him the brochure that went with it.
  0           Rain problem with the alarm was mentioned, all is fixed. Pat keeps a journal of her work on the computer.

              Next meeting is February 22, 2010.
              Jeff moved and Laurene seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM.

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