Page 1 - scvhs19901997minutes
P. 1

Board  of  Directors,  4/23/90  Minutes,  Page  3

          Old  Business:
                 Framing  of  tapestry  should  be  done  in  a  couple  of  weeks.
                  Carol  Rock      will  contact        "Western  Walk        of  Stars"  Committee  regarding
          Society's  possible  involvement  in  1991.

          New  Business:
                  May  16    program,  "History  of  the  San  Fernando                  Valley"      by    Bobbette
                  Nominating  Committee  Chairman  will  be  John  Mann.
                  Request  to      the  City  of  Santa  Clarita  for  a  budget  of  $75,000.                    Copy
          attached.         M/S/P  to     ask  the  City  Council           for  the  amount  based          on    the
          submitted  report.
                  Motion  made      and  seconded        that  a     letter  be      sent  from       the  Society
          protesting  the  proposed  landfill                 in  Elsmere  Canyon          to    the  appropriate
          authorities.         Motion  passed  with  three  abstaining.
                  It  was  brought  up  that  we  should  keep  careful  track  of  volunteer  hours
          by  signing       in  and    out  when      at  the  Station  (including  Board  meetings)  and
          noting  hours  spent  at  home.                A  card     system  is  being  set  up            for    that
          purpose,  starting  January  1,  1990.
                  New  phone  and  answering  machine  at  the  Station.
                  Ice  Cream  Social  scheduled             for  Saturday,        July  21     at  Mentryville  or

                  Meeting  was  adjourned  at  9:35  PM  by  President  Paul  Kreutzer.

   0      Respectfully  submitted,

          Sharon  M.  Devol,  Recording  Secretary
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