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                our  successes  have  et::.itab1ished  our  name  even  outside  the  Santa  C'J.arita  Valley.
                Pecentl.y,  i'i  :aajor,  national  foundation  chose  the  Santa  Clarit.a  Valley  as  the  foam
                for  a  large--scale  educational  project,  based  ma.inly  upon  the  ext.erudve  :resources
                available  through  tll:- So(;iety ~     At  the  present  time,  the  Society  is  negotiating
               wiU1  a  major  State,  wh:.)  is offerin;J  the  Society  a  grant  to prepare  a  history
                c,f  a  local  area  arxi  to design  anci  a:mstruct  l:c,t11  historic  zux:l  cultural  displays  for
                its n,ew  visitors  center.  Having  beard  of  our  sucoeesful  educational  and  rest<.>ra-
                tion  efforts,1,  several  other  historic:al  societit!S  have  requestoo visits and  speakers
                to describe :t\lUr  prog:nm:.

                In  addition  to  peopJ.e,  sud.1  an  extensive  program  requires  funds.      lt:>st  educational
                and  restotati{)n  progr8m.8  can  be  covered  by  the  Society's  fundraising  efforts.  Ha,r
                e.rer,  the  uajor  costs  associated  witl1  the  a.CXJuiedtion  of  historic  structures  are
                almst  ilrq:osaible  for  a  Eln,all  group  to  raise;  yet,  if the,se  valuable  parts of  our
                heritage  ,,i.rt?  to  be  recycled  for  the  Erlification  arxi  education  of  ow:  children,
                :Ei,mds  must  be  made  available.  Therefore,  the  sant.a.  Clarita Valley  Hir,torica.l  Soci-
                ety  respectfully  re:;ruests  that  the  City  of  Santa  Clarita  designate  the  ,ai:mr.):,;;:nt  of
                $75,000  in  i:ts  rodget  for  the  coming  fiscal  year  for  historic preservation and  corll"-
               11unity  education.      'lbese  funds  would  be  ~n.i.nistered  jointly  by  the  City  arrl  the
                Historical  Sbciety  and  would  be  expended  as  detai.led  in Attachnent  A.         A l'OOre  de-
                tailed breakbn of  these  items  is  included  in Attacbnent  B,  which  is  the  society's
                projected  bcd3et  for  the  F'isca.1  Yei-u:  1  July  1990®      In  addition,  fact
                gheets  on  tie Newhall  R:-mch  House  ,and  the  Biscailuz  li:>use  included  to
                our  contentiCl'l  that  these  historic structures are deserving  of  tbe.  special  funds  we
                are  requestir.g  f ran  the  City.

               Att...achment  B is  based  on  inocme  and  exp:mdi tures  experienced  during  the  last  four
                fiscal  years..  Projections  of  incane  fr<:in  cbnations,  grants and  fundraiE.'iers  i:Uep  cy-
                their  nature,  VE!ry  uncertain,  since  tbtay  de}:end  upon  the  generosity  of  t.he  a.:m:i1Uiri-
                ty  and  their  .syn:pathy  to  a  particular  causr::.   If  the  cause  is,  .for  examp1e,  the
                oreservation of  the  Pardee  House  aoo/or  Newhall  Ranch  House,  donations  should  be
               uore  abundant.     '!be  estimate  for  oonations  in  t.11e  budget  is based  upon  thir:i  supp:>-·
                s:L tion.   Ibwever,  our  Society  has  a  good  record,  ootb  in  rais.u.ig  funds  and  i.n  ac-
                complishing  the  tasks  it has  accepted.
                Projections  Df.  expenditures  more  certain,  barring,  of  course,  eme:rge11c1es.
                Certain  cat.eipries  of  expenSE?S  listed  cm  the  attached  budget,  suc:h  as  ~rating
                E>rpt=" .. nses,  F.dix:ati.on  and  Conservation,  are  considered  •fixed"  costs;  that  i.s,  they
        r:equirecl in order  for  t.11e  Society  to  fulfi.11  its basic functions  and  retain  .its
                f.:X.isting  proJ;Erties  an::i  artifacts  in good  condition ..

                •rhe  otl1E::r  e.x}:Else  categories  of  Acx:Juisition  and  Restoration  are  oore  eJ.t'::ct:ive:  as
               funds  beo::roe  available,  the  Society  can  balance  its  expenditures  bet:ween  aoguisi-
               tion of  new  Et:ructures  and  restoration  of  ex.iatin9  ones.       In  eroeir.gency  situations,
                this  may  resi.ilt  in  ,a  decir:;ion  to  reduce  o:r  to  completely  cease  restoration work  or
                to  surrenci';r  .ar,  impntant  building  to  the  bulldozer.,  if  the  funds  for  ccmtinued
                restoration  a.:  acquisition  are  tmable  to  be  raioc-d.

               W€i  would  be  pleased  to  provide  any  adclitiol'k:1.1  i.n.forrr.at5.on  you  require.  Again,  we
                thank  you  for your  a:>ntinued  interest and  consideration.
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