Page 9 - lw3662
P. 9


        LEFT  HAND


        (RIGHT  HAND  ST AR}

        The  Figure

        "The first and third couples balance and swing
        and lead right out to the right of the ring and circle four"
            #  1  and  #  3  couples  walk  to  the  couples  on  their  right~  they  join  hands  and
            circle to the left.
        "The right hand up_and form a star"
            Raising  the  right  arms  in  an  upright  position,  the  dancers  place  the  palms  of
            their  right  hands  together  forming  a  star.  They  now  turn  the star  (clockwise)
            once around.
        "Back with the left but not too far"
            Repeat the same as  above forming  a left hand star and turn ( counter-clockwise)
            once around.
        "A right hand back and pull her through"
            The gentlemen reach  back  over their left shoulders with  their right  hands,  tak-
            ing the lady  behind them by the l.eft hand pulling  her  across  in front  of them.
        "Left hand out with a howdy-do"                      .
            The gentlemen extend left hands to their partners, walking around them  ( coun-
            ter-clockwise). They extend their right hands to the opposite lady again, walking
            around  her  ( clockwise).  They  extend their  left  hands  to  their  partners  turning
            them half around and into position.
        "Four hands up and around you go
        and break it all up with a Do-Ci-Do"
            The dancers execute the Do-Ci-Do as  explained in the glossary.
        "Home you go and everybody swing"
            All four  couples return to  the home position, they  swing, do  an allemande left,
            a grande right and left and a promenade home.
        "The same two couples balance and swing
        and lead right out to the left of the ring and circle four"
            #  1  and  #  3  couples  walk  to  the  couples  on  their  left  and  repeat  the  figure
        "Left hand up and form a star"
            Turn the above star (counterclockwise).
        "Back by the right but not too far-"
            Turn the above star ( clockwise).
        "Left hand back and you pull her through"
            The gentlemen reach back over their right shoulders with their left hand, taking
            their  partners  by the left hand and  pulling them across  in  front  of them.  They
            extend their right hands to the opposite ladies walking around them ( clockwise),
            they  extend their  left  hands  to  their  partners  again,  turning them  half around
            and into position.
         "Now circle four and a Do-Ci-Do"
            The dancers execute the Do-Ci-Do as  explained in the glossary.
         "Home you go and everybody swing"
            All four  couples return to  the home position,  they  swing, do  an allemande  left,
            a grande right and left and a promenade home.
         Couples #  2 and #  4 take their turn leading the figure.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12