Page 11 - lw3662
P. 11


        AND  DDN T

        YOU  BLUNDER

         {TRIPLE  ARCH)

       Swing on the corner - Swing 'em all night
            The  gentlemen  extend  their  left  hands  to  the  left  hands  of  their  left  hand
            ladies,  walk  around them  ( counter-clockwise)  extend right  hands  to  their  part-
            ners' right hands and walk around them clockwise, then swing their left hands
            or corner ladies.
            Repeat this  three times  until each  gentleman is  back  with  his  original  partner.
        The  Figure
        "First and third couples balance and swing
        spin those girls to the right of the ring
        and form your lines of three"
            #  1 and  #  3  couples  balance and swing once around. The gentlemen spin their
            ladies  over t.o  the side gentlemen. The ladies  make a right face  twirl and stand
            on the left side of #  2 and #  4 gentlemen.
        "Forward six and back you go"
            Holding hands the three in line move forward to the center of the set and back
            to place.
        "Forward again, now don't you blunder
        it's an elbow hook and you go like thunder
        the right hand high, the left lady under"
            The three in line step forward  once again to the center of the set, the gentlemen
            release  their  left  hand  ladies  and  hook  left  elbows  with  one another,  arching
            their right hands high  they  turn four  in tine  ( counter-clockwise),  the left  hand
            ladies duck under the arch moving in a circle ( clockwise).
        "And you form new lines of three"
            The arch  passes  over the left hand ladies'  heads  approximat.ely  three times  and
            they  fall  in beside the lone gentlemen. The  center gentlemen swing their ladies
            into position along side of the lone gentlemen, as  they do  this the  center gentle-
            men release  the elbow hook and return to  their home position.  This  places  # 1
            lady .on the left hand side of # 3 gentleman, # 2 lady .on the right hand side of # 1
            gentleman,  # 3  lady  on the left hand side of  # 1 gentleman and  # 4 lady on the
            right hand side of  # 3  gentleman.
        Repeat the figure three more times until each gentleman has his original partner back
        on his right hand side, then they do an allemande left, a  grande right and left and  a
        promenade home.
         NOTE:  The right hand ladies progress to  the right hand sid.e  of the lone gentleman
         each time, the left hand ladies progress to left hand side of the lone gentleman each
        time.  #  2 and #  4 couples take their turn leading the figure.
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