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P. 6





     "Allemande left and the ladies star
     the gentlemen walk around but not too far"
         The dancers  execute the allemande left,  then the ladies  form  a  right  hand  star
         in  the  center  of  the  set  and  turn  the  star  ( clockwise)  to  the  right  while  the
         gentlemen promenade ( counter-clockwise) around the outside of the set.
     "Allemande left and the gentlemen star
     the gals go 'round but not too far"
         The gentlemen execute the allemande left with the same corner lad,,  once again
         and then form a right hand star in the center of the set and turn the star ( clock-
         wise) to the right. The ladies  promenade around the outside of the set ( counter-
     "Allemande left with the old left hand
     right to your partner right and left grande"
         The gentlemen execute the allemande left again with the same corner lady then
         extend right hands to their partner's, left hands to the next lady in line and etc.
         Until they  meet their  own partners,  the  couples  then  promenade  back  to  their
         original positions.

      The  Figure
      "The first and third couples balance and swing
     and lead right out to the right of the ring
     and circle four"
         # 1 couple walks to  # 2  couple.  # .3  couple walks to  # 4  couple. They  join hands
         and circle to the left once around.                     ·
     "Circle three and you get 'em hot
     You tie those gals in a double bow knot
     The right hand over, the left hand under,
     The left hand over, the right hand under"
         # 1  and  #3  gentlemen  return  to  their  home  positions.  #2  and  #4  gentlemen
         arch  their right hand ladies  over, the left hand ladies  duck  under the arch  and
         the gentlemen do  a right  face  twirl, turning the dishrag  under their  own arms.
         Now the gentlemen arch  their left hand ladies  over, the right hand ladies  duck
         under the arch and the gentlemen do a left face  twirl turning the dishrag under
         their ,own arms.
         Note: The ladies must let go their hand holds with one another but retain their
         hand holds with the gentlemen.
      "Now circle three as pretty as can be
     And shoot that pretty gal home to me"                         ,
         The three  join hands  once again and  circle to  the left once around.  #2  couple
         arch  their hands,  # 1 lady ducks under the arch and returns to  her partner.  #4
         couple arch  their hands,  # .3  lady ducks under the arch  and returns to  her part-
         ner.  The  same two  couples  lead  to  the  left and  execut.e  the  figure . once  again.
         The side  couples now take their turn leading the figure.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11