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          ON  THE  SIDES


              After an allemande left,  a  grand  right  and left  have  been exeettted  the  gentle-
              men  meet  their  partners  on  the  opposite  side  of  set.  They  extend  their  right
              hands  to  their  partner's  right  hands.  Retaining  the  hand  hold  they  pass  the
              ladies under their right arms and reverse the grand right and left in the opposite
              direction around the set until they  meet their original  partners.

          The  Figure

          "First and third couples forward and back"
              #  1 couple and #  3  couple take three steps  forward to the center of the set and
              back to place.

          "Forward to the center and the si<;les divide
          swing in the center and swing on the sides"
              #  1 and  #  3  couples step  to the center of the set,  change partners and begin to
              swing,  swinging to  the  outside  of the  set.  #  2  gentleman  steps  to· his  left,  #  4
              lady steps to  her right and they  begin to  swing into  the  position left vacant  by
              the #  3  couple.  #  2  lady steps to  her right,  #  4 gentleman steps to  his left and
              they  begin to  swing into the position left vacant by the #  3  couple. This  places
              #  1  gentleman and  #  3  lady  in  #  4  couple's  position.  This  places  #  3  gentle-
              man and #  1 lady in #  2  co.uple' s  position.

          "The same two couples forward and back"
              #  1 and #. 3 gentlemen with a brand new lady step forward to the center of the
              set and back to place.
          "Forward to the center and the sides divide
          swing in the center and swing on the side"
              #  1 and  #  3  couples step to the center of the set,  change partners and swing to
              the outside of the set. The side gentlemen step to their left, the side ladies st.ep to
              their  right  and  swing  in  the  position  left  vacant  by  the  head  couples.  Repeat
              the  call  two  more times.  The  dancers  using  the  same  execution.  This  will  put
              them  all  back  in  their  original  positions.  NOTE:  #  1  and  #  3  are  the  head
              couples. #  2 and #  4 are the side couples.
          The dancers do  an  allemande left,  a  grande right and left and  a  promenade  home.
          The side  couples  #  2  and  #  4  now take their turn leading the figure.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10