Page 10 - lw3662
P. 10


       OUT  AND  THE

       OUTSIDE  IN


       "First and third couples forward and back"
           #  1  and  #  3  couples  step  forward  to  the  center  of the  set  and  back  to  place.
       "Forward again with a right and left thru, you're doin' fine"
           Extending right hands to  the opposite couples right hands  #  1 and  #  3  couples
           cross to the opposite side of the set,  passing right shoulders. The gentlemen take
           their  partners'  left  hands  in their  left  hands  and  place their  right  hand in the
           small .of their  partner's  back  and turn  the ladies  ( counter-clockwise)  into  posi-
           tion to face  the center of the set.
       "Swing on the corner like swinging on a vine"
           AU the gentlemen swing the ladies on their left.
       "Swing the next gal down the line"
           AU the gentlemen swing with the next ladies  on their left.
       "The same two jeans with a new calico
       forward to the center and back you go"
           The same two gents with a  brand new girl repeat the above figure  until each  is
           back with his original partner. The dancers  then execute the allemande left, the
           grande right and left and then promenade to their home position.
        The  Figure·
       "First and third couples forward and back
       forward again with the inside out and the outside in
       and the outside out and the inside in"
           Couples  #  1 and  #  3  take three steps  forward to the center of the set and  back
           to  place.  Forward again the  #  3  couple  forms  an arch,  couple  #  1  ducks  under
           and  without  turning  around,  #  1  gentleman  still  holding  his  partner's  hand
           forms  an arch,  stepping  backward to  the  center  of the set,  #  3  couple  backing
           under  the  arch.  This  puts  both  couples  facing  each  other  again.  They  repeat
           this execution once more.
       "Turn the opposite girl with a dish rag spin
       on to the next and do it again"
           #  1 gentleman takes  #  3 lady's left hand in his right hand.  #  3 gentleman takes
           #  1  lady's  left  hand  in  his  right  hand.  The  ladies  do  a  right  face  twirl,  the
           gentlemen a left face  twirl, turning back to  back  in a dish rag spin.  #  1 gentle-
           man and  #  3  lady are now facing  #  4  couple.  #  3  gentleman and  #  1  lady  are
           facing  #  2  couple.  #  2  and  #  4  couples  form  an arch.  The inside  couples  duck
           under and without turning arch  their arms and  come  back  over.  Repeating this
           once again they are  ready  for  an allemande left,  a  grande  right  ap,d  left  and a
           promenade home.
        Repeat the figure with couple #  2 and #  4
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