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        SENATE  BACKS                                                                                      New Auto  Shop

          TAX  COURSE                                                                                          Is  Going  U1f·-

              By  Rick  Signoretti                                                                                  By  John  Hunt
                                                                                                               The  latest  building  project
           With  the  dedication  and  ex-
        citement  of a  Christmas  shopper.                                                                 u n d e r w a y  on  c a m p u s  is  a
                                                                                                            $125,000  Auto  Shop  and  Corp-
         the  Student  Senate  has  been                                                                    orate  Yard  going  up  south  of  the
        hard  at  work  arranging  social                                                                   baseball  field.
        and  academic  projects  for  the                                                                     When  completed  next  year.  in
                                                                                                            time  for  the  1973-74  school  year.
           Stretch  and  Sew.  a  mini-
                                                                                                            the  structure  will  house  the  auto
                                                                                                            mechanic  classes  now  conducted
        course  sponsored  by  the  senate  1
        and  the  first  mini-course  offered
                                                                                                            at  the  Pine  Street  facilities  in
        at  this  college.  has  been  a  total                                                             Newhall,  and  serve  as  a  storage
        success.  Twenty-three  students                                                                    and  maintenance area for  college
        have  completed  this  course.                                                                      vehicles  and  supplies.
           Because  of  this  success.  the                                                                   ''Moving  the  auto  shop  on
        Student  Senate  will  be  sponsor-                                                                 campus  will  have  peripheral  ad-
        ing  another  mini-course  dealing                                                                  vantages,"  said  Henry  Endler,
        with  preparation  of  income  tax                                                                  transportation   instructor.  Stu-
        forms.  These  courses  are  open                                                                   dents  who  heretofore  have  been
        to  anyone.  No  grades  are  given.                                                               involved  only  with  auto  shop  off
        Future  courses  under  considera-                                                                 campus  will  now  have  a  chance
        tion are ceramics. and an advanc-                                                                  more  esaily  to  become  involved
        ed  Stretch  and  Sew  class.    The  Auto  Shop  and  Corporate  Yard  construction  is  underway  south  of   in  other  school  activities  and
           After a  detailed investigation.                                                                courses.
        the  Student Senate  has  agreed  to   the  baseball  field.                                          The  new  au to  shop, which
        continue  plans  for  a  rock  con-                                                                will  contain  teaching  eql,lipment
        cert.  although  on  a  s ma 11 er   TRY-OUTS  SET                    Counselors'                   valued  in  excess  of  $100,000,
        scale.                                                                                              will  be  one  of  the  best  in  the
          After  meetings  with production                                                                 state,  according  to  Endler.
        companies. ·  it  was  determined   FOR  TWO  PLAYS                       Column                      "This  is  not  our  opinion
        that $15,000 would not be  enough                                                                  alone.''  he  said.  "General  Mo-
        to  stage  a  concert  of  the  pro-  Try-outs  for  parts  in  A  Sunny                           tors.  which  knows  what  we  are
        portion  initially  desired.  The   Morning  and  The  Wonder hat.  two   CHRISTMAS  JOBS
        revised  concert  will  cost  about   plays  sponsored  by  the  COC   Students  interested  in  em-  doing  and planning. has  said so."
                                                                                                              The  instructor  pointed  out
        $7,000  and  will  feature  enter-  drama  department.  will  be  held   ployment  over  the  holiday
        t a in m.e n t  along  the  lines  of   December  4.  5  and  7  from  3  to   season  should  contact  Bob   that  while  the  auto  shop  is  one
        Chee ch  and  Chong.             4  p.m.  in  room  C-3.           Gilmore  in  the  Job  Placement   of  the  best.  it  does  not  and  will
           With  reference  to  a  proposed   A  Sunny  Morning.  a  comedy   Office  to  file  applications   not  compete  with  outside  gar-
        student  directory.  the  senate   written  by  Serafin  and  Joaquin   and  to  receive  job  referrals.   ages in the area. Repair services
        provided  a  form  during  registra-  Alverez  Quintero,  will  tour                               conducted  m  connect10n  with
        tion  for  listing  of  names.  tele-  Friendly  Valley  after  its  COC   PLACEMENT  TESTING      teaching  are  restricted  to  ve-
        phone  numbers  and  addresses.   presentation.   The   Wonder hat.   An  extra  placement  test-  hicles  of  staff  and  students,  he
          In coordination with the Toys-  written by Kenneth Sawyer Good-   ing  date  is  set  tor  6 :::W  p.m.,   said.
        f or-Tots  drive,  the  senate  will   man  and  Ben  Hecht,  will  tour   Monday,  Dec.  18.  See  the  Of-  Among  auto  maintenance
        be  donating  $25  from  each  of  the   seven  elementary  schools  and   fice  of  Admissions  and  Re-  areas  covered  in  auto  shop
        officers• budgets  to  aid  in  making   will  take  part  in  the  Children's   cords  or  the  Counseling  of-  courses are tune-up, engine  over-
        this  worthwhile  event a  success.   Theatre  Festival  at  Immaculate   ices  for  test  ad miss ion   haul,  air  conditioning.  brakes.
           A  By-Law  change  was  sub-  Heart  College  March  31.         tickets.                        wheel  alignment,  manual  and
        mitted  to  the  senate  and  unani-  Both  of  these  one-act  plays,                              automatic   transmissions,   and
        mously  passed  in  regards  to   under  the  title  "Saturday  in  the       VETS                 clutches.  Motorcycle  repair  also
        defunct  Inter-club Council funds.   Park", will  be  presented at Col-  Fifty  dollars  a  month  is   is  taught.
        The  By-Law  change  states  that   lege  of  the Canyons  March  2 and   available for  tutoring services   "When  the  student  completes
        funds  from  clubs  that  have  gone   3.  Dr.  Rose  Soroky  is  drama   to  veterans  who  are  deficient   a  course.  he  receives  a  certi-
        defunct  for  one  year  will  revert   advisor.                    or  failing  classes.  See  Coun-  ficate  which  aids  him  in  finding
        to  the  ASB  general  fund.  This   All  interested _ students.  full   selor  Bob  Gilmore.       a  job,"  said  Robert  Pollock,
        will  eliminate  the  possibility   or  part-time,  are  eligible  to  aud-                        dean  of  vocational-technical  ed-
        of  individuals using defunct  club   ition.  Scripts  for  both  plays  are   RAP  GROUPS         ucation.
        funds  at  their  own  discretion.   on  reserve  in  the  library.    New   groups   are  being      The  auto  shop  program  will
          To  provide  more  social  act-                                   formed  for  the  winter  quarter.   find  its  ultimate  home  in  the
        ivity.  the  Freshman  class  will                                  Anyone  wishing  to  become    $1,051,000   Vocational-Techni-
        purchase  a  ping-pong  table  to  be   Holiday  Books,             involved  in  an  "encounter-  cal  Education  building  which
        installed  outside  the  Student                                    type"  situation  should  see   will be  located  south  of  the  Bon-
        Lounge.                             Records  At  IRC                Counselor  Nancy  Smith.       elli  Center  now  under  construc-
          The  Student  Senate  invites                                                                    tion.
        all students  to  attend  its  weekly    By  Jan  Ke Iler                                             In  addition  to  auto  shop,  the
        meetings.  The  first  and  third                                     CAREER COUNSELING            Voe-Tech building will accommo-
        Wednesday  meetings  of  each       Are  you  having  trouble  work-         GROUPS                date  classes  in  welding,  appli-
        month  are  held  at  7 :3 0  p .m.  to   ing  up  any  Christmas  spirit  this   Group  vocational  counsel-  ance  repair,  electronits  and
        permit  evening  students  to  par-  year? The Instructional Resource   ing  is  being  set  up  for  the   plastics.
        ticipate.  Monday  noon  meetings   Center  would  like  to  recommend   noon  hour.  See  Counselor   Construction  is  scheduled  to
        are  held  the  second  and  fourth   a  selection  of  items  that  might   Gilmore  for  details.   start  in  1973  and  the  building
        week  of each  month  for  day  stu-  help  your  holiday  get  off  to  a                          should  be  ready  for  use  in  early
        dent  participation. All  meetings   brighter  start.                 TRANSFER STUDENTS             1974.
        are  held  in  the  Board  Room.    The  Life  Book  of  Christmas.        (Fall, 1973)
                                         3 volumes  (call No.GT 4985 L52).
                                                                              Transfer  applications  to
                                         The  Glory  of  Christmas,  Vol.  1,                                        OPINION
               ALPINE CLUB                recreates  the  Christmas  story   state  universities  and  the       (Cont'd  from  Page  2)
           The  first  nature  hike  spon-  with  breathtaking  photographs   University  of  California  sys-  because  it  temporarily  disrupts
        sored by  the  Alpine Club will  be   and  art  reproductions.  "A  Chi-  tem  were  due  Nov.  30,  1972.   the  security  that  goes  along
                                                                            But  a  late  filing  period  is  in
        held  Saturday,  Dec.  9.  The  three   nese  Nativity,"  on  page  41,  is  a   effect  until  closed  by  the  in-  with  them,  but  let's  not  forget
        mile  hike  will start from  the  con-  Jove ly  painting by  Lu  Hung  Hien,   stitutions.  See  the  Counsel-  what  this  country  is  supposed
        dor  observation  site  atop  Mt.   and  is  found  in  the  section  "The   ing  office  for  latest  listings   to  be  all  about.  Or  perhaps  I've
        Pinos  in  Frazier  Park,  near  Gor-  Virgin  in  A 11  Parts of the World."   and  for  applications.   been  living  under  a  misc once p-
        man.  See  Paul  Osterhues  if  you   The  Pageantry  of  Christmas,                               t ion,  and  my  parents, and  theirs,
        wish  to  go  along.                                                                               and  theirs •.•
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