Page 12 - coccanyoncall_fy19721973
P. 12

Harrie rs  Pre p                                                                                    Student  Gov't

       For  Ke y Race                                                                                   -Active, At  COC

                                                                                                                By  Rick  Signoretti
         coc'sfirst annual  Indtational
      Cros s  Country  tournament,  the                                                                      Unlike  many  other  schools ,
                                                                                                          Colle·ge  of  the  Canyons  has  an
       largest  singl e  athletic  event
      staged  here,  went  off  like  c lock-                                                             active  student  government  in-
                                                                                                          vol ved  in  a: variety  of  student-
      work  Saturday,  Oct.  21,  with  147
                                                                                                          vital  programs ' · ranging  from
       runners  from  21  junior  colle ges
                                                                                                          cha nging  the colors of graduation
       ranging  from  Monterey  to  San
      Diego  participating.                                                                               gowns  to  the  planning  of  a  mas-
                                                                                                          sive  concert.
         The  caliber  of  the  meet  is
                                                                                                            Ma n y  students take  thes e
       measured  by  the  fact  that  the
                                                                                                          things  for  grante d  without  reali-
       course  record  was  broken  by  17
       runners,  including  COC 's  top                                                                   zing  the  work  and  scale  of  poli-
                                                                                                          tical  juggling  behind  them.
      harrier,  Jim  Bonnell,  who  turned                                                                  The aim of  the Student Senate
       in  the  second  best  time  of  the
                                                                                                          this  year  is  to  provide  activities
      day.  Bonne 11  held  the  former  re-
                                                                                                          which  all s tudents can participate
      cord. The new record set by  qary
                                                                                                          in  and  thus  establish  a  college
      Lockman  of Golden  Wes t  College                                                                  atmos phere.
      in  Orange  County  is  20 :08.
                                                                                                            A  film  committee  has  been
         coc's  harriers  plac ed  fourth
                                                                                                          originated t o show  such films  as
      in  the  small  school  division  won
                                                                                                          " Bullet" ,  and  a  "W.C.  Fields.''
      by  Santa Ana.
                                                                                                         film festival.  A  speaker  commit-
         Mt.  San  Antonio  College  ran
      away in the  large school division                                                                  tee  is  presenting  a  dance  arid
                                                                                                          noon-hour  concert  once  a  month,
       with  a  low  point  total  of  only  42
                                                                                                         and  a  concert  _c ommittee has  been
       compared  with . the  next  mark  of
      75  by Los Angeles Valley College.                                                                 formed  to  present  a  rock  concert
                                                                                                         s ometime  in  F e bruary.  This  will
         coc's  fourth  place  showing
       pleased  Coach  Ed  Jac oby  who                                                                  be  the  first timecoc has attemp-
                                                                                                         ted  s uch a  large  s cale  operation.
       called  it  "the  best  pe;!ormance
                                                                                                          But  these  are  just  the  social
       of  the  year for  the  team.
                                                                                                          activities .  ·
      "   ''Every runner on the  team  ex-
                                                                                                            A  teachers'  evaluation  com-
       cept  one, and  he  was  ill ,  ran  the
                                          COC's fine cross  country team meets  West  Los  Angeles College and   mittee  has  been f mmed  to  re pre-
       best  race  of  his  life  over  this
                                        Glendale 'city  College  this  Friday  in  the  most  important  conference   sent  student  opinion  of  teachers ·
       course.  But  more  than  that,  we
                                        meet  of  the  year.  See  adjoining  story.  Photo  above  is  from  recent  meet   on  campus,  and  priority  registra-
       defeated every  other  school  from
                                        here.                                                             tion  for  athletes  is . being  exam-
       the  Western  States  Conference
                                                                                                          ined  to  prevent  any  unfairness
       (COC's), including Glendale City                                                                  during registration time. A book-
       College  which  is  currently  lead-
                                                                                                          store  committee,  investigating
       ing  the  1 eague."                                                                                bookstore  policy,  is  attempting
         New  individual  best  times  for
                                                                                                          to  c urb  outrageous  prices  and
       Cougars  set  in  the  Invitational                                                                certain  book  buy-back  practices.
       are  Bonnell,  20:22;  Ed  Marynow-                                                                  The senate has ,already
       ski ,21 :09; FrankRamierez, 21 :29;                                                                changed the  food  catering  hours,
       Paul  Brown:  23:07,.  and  Kevin                                                                  adding  one  half in  the  afternoon
       Rocque,  23 :56.  Howard  Hocken-                                                                  and  two  senate  meetings  are  to
       berry,  who  was  ill ,  ran  22:21.                                                               be held  each month  on Wednesday
       Brown  improved  his  course  mark
                                                                                                          nights  so  that  night  students
       by  a  full  minute.                                                                               may  have  a  voice  in  campus  af-
         The most important c onference                                                                   fairs.
       meet  of the year will  be held next                                                                 Meetings  of  the  Senate  are
       Friday (Nov.  3) at  Glendale  City
                                                                                                          held  once  a  week  in  the  Board
       College.  COC  battles  West  Los
                                                                                                          room  located  in  the  Administra-
       Ange les and Glendale  in adouble
                                                                                                          tion  building.  The  meetings  are
     ,  dual  meet. If COC  wins  this  one,                                                              open and  a ll  students. are invited .•
       it  has  a  good  chance  to  tie  for                                                             A  suggestion  box  is  located  in
       first  place  in  the  WSC.  If  COC                                                               the  Student  Lounge  and  we  ask
       loses,  it  probably  will  wind  up                                                               all students to  offer  suggestions
       in  third  place  ( or  tie  for  third )                                                         for  the  betterment of the college.
       in  the  nine  school  conference.
            (Cont'd  from  page  1)                                                                       New  Se w  Class
       to  present two $100 scholarshi ps,   Whatever  football  is ,  it  is  a  contact  sport  as  this  photo  testifies.
       one  each  to  Hart  High  and  Can-  COC's tough Cougars  lost  their second  Western  States  Conference game   "Stretch  and  Sew,"  a  seven-
       yon  High,  for  seniors  who  will   last  Saturday , losing  to Ventura 33- 14.  This Saturday the  Cougars  play   week  interest  course  for  female
                                                                                                          students,  meets  in  C-3  from  12
       attend  COC .  The  scholarships   Glendale  City  College  at  Hart  High  field  for  Homecoming.   noon  to  2  p.m.  each Wednesday,
       are  provided  by  the  ASE.                                                                       announced   Mildred  Guernsey,
         The  queen  and  her  court  will   tain  during  the  program,  playing   ert  Downs,  music  instructor.
       watch  the  second  half  of  the   t he  theme  music  from  the  film,   There  will  be  no  Homecoming   mathematics  instructor.
       gam_e  from  a  place of honor in the   "Romeo  and  J uliet,"  during  the   dance  Saturday  night  because  a   The   garment-making  c lass
       stands. After  the  game, the  royal   crowning rite . The  band also will   s u it ab 1 e  d an c e  hal 1 was  not   sponsored  by  the  Associated
       group  will  visit  Backwoods  Inn   present jazz  mus ic  and  a  medley   available.  The  dance  is  post-  Student  Body,  is  taught  by  Mrs.
       for  a  dinner  hosted  in  their  honor   of  tunes  played  at  earlier  foot-  poned  until  !< riday  night,  Nov.   Louise Burch of  the Magic Needle
       by  the  ASB.                   _ball  games .                    17  at  a  site  to  be  annou_nced.   Shop in  Newhall.Articles c reated
          The  queen's  duties  will  not   Arrangements  for  the  band   later.                         by Mrs.  Burch are  offered as door
       end  at  Homecoming.  She  will   for  Homecoming  have  been  writ-  T eresa Calzia is  Homecoming   prizes  after  the  class.
       s erve  as  an  official  COC  repre-  ten  by  David  Compton,  Dean   c hairman.  Members  of  her  com-  Interested  students  may  still
       sentative  at  civic  functions  dur-  Graves ,  and  Donna  Barrus,  s tu-  pittee  include  Marie  Longpre,   enter  the  sewing  class,  and  if
       ing  the  up-coming  months.     dents  of  the  advanced  music   Cheryl  Me ramble,  Jolene  Moore,   enough  interest  is generated,  an
          T he  colle ge  band  will  enter-  theory  c lass  conducted  by  Rob-  and  Margaret  Getman .   advance  course  will  be  taught.
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