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            Opinion                                                                                            Opinion

           By  Rick  Signoretti                                                                                By  Bob  Springer
       In  the  writing  of  this  column                                                                 "Keep  Farr  out  of  jail!"
     I  realize  I'm  bucking  the  estab-                                                                This  was  the  rallying  cry  of
     lished  system  in  reference  to                                                                  the  Los Angeles  Press  Club and
     student  employment  on  campus.                                                                   other  local  journalism  societies
        Being  a  student  worker  my-                                                                  on  behalf  of  William  Farr,  news-
     self.  I  feel  I  can  express  my                                                                paper  reporter,  now  languishing
     feelings  honestly  and  with                                                                     in  jail.
     knowledge  of  the  topic.                                                                           Farr  now  is  a  reporter  for  the
                                                                                                        Los  Angeles  Times,  but  during
        I  wish to  point  a  finger  at  no                                                            the  infamous  Mans on  trial,  he
     one  but  desire  to  see  changes                                                                worked  for  the  Herald  Examiner.
     in  the  current  pay  system  for                                                                   During  the  trial  he  obtained
      student  workers  and  for  paid                                                                  "inside"  information  from  two
     holidays.                                                                                          attorneys  on  the  case  that  the
                                                                                                       Manson  "family"  had  planned  to
        Currently  a  student  worker
     gets  paid  once  a  month  while                                                                 kiH  several  Hollywood  celebri.:.
     all  other  school  employees  re-                                                                ties, Frank Sinatra and Elizabeth
     ceive  bi-monthly  checks.  I admit                                                               Taylor  among  them.  The  Herald
     that  it  teaches  the  student  work-                                                            Examiner  printed  the  story  and
     er  how  to  budget  funds  but  this                                                             Judge  Older  blew  his  stack.
     seems  unjust  to  me  as  I,  like                                                                  For  the  moment,  Farr  was
                                                                                                        protected  by  the  First  Amend-
     many  of  my  fellow  employees,                                                                  ment.  Then  Fap  left  his  journal-
     have  bills  to  pay  to  survive.                                                                 ism  job.  Judge  Older  asserted
     To be  paid  twice  a. month  as  are                                                              that  now  he  was  no  longer  pro-
     other  employees  would  ease  this                                                                tected  by  the  "freedom  of  the
     strain  and  cut  down  on  the  ab-                                                               press"  stipulation  in  the  Con-
     sentee  rate.                                                                                     stitution.
       I  say  this  because  while                                                                       Judge  Older  demanded  that
     other  em p 1 o ye es  work  their                                                                 Farr  divulge  the  names  of  the
     eight  hour  day,  students  must                                                                 attorneys  who  had  violated  his
    c arry  at  least  12  units  per  quar-                                                           gag  order  during  the  trial.  Farr
     ter  to  remain  employed.  They                                                                  refused.  He  stood  on  the  news-
     must  maintain  at  least  a  "C"                                                                 man's  traditional  practice  of  re-
     average  in  these  classes  to  re-  A  pair  of  eye-catchers  caught  strolling  on  campus.  One  is  a  doll  and   fusing  to  disclose  the  source  of
     main  in  school  let  alone  keep   the  other  is  a  St.  Bernard  pup.  The dog  is  Colby.  The  doll,  fashionably   confidential   information.  The
     their  employment.  They  work   gowned  for  dog-strolling  on  campus,  is  Marlene  Van  Eunen.   judge  questioned  six  attorneys
    three  hours  a  day,  15  a  week,  or                                                             on  the  case,  but  none  would
     120  a  month.  Between  school                                                                   confess  to  giving  Farr  the  infor-
     and  daily  work,  I  feel  that  this                                                            mation.
     equals  an  eight  hour  work  day.   Jim  Shows  His                                                For  standing  on  his  time-
       With  reference  to  paid  holi-                                                                honored  journalistic  principles,
     days,  I  ask  not  for  pay  for  an   Chromosomes                                               Farr  is  now  taking  the  rap--an
     eight  hour  day  or  even  for  pay                                                              "open  end"  sentence  in  jail.
     for  all  the  holidays  the  school                                                                 This  is  asinine.  And  uncon-
     system  recognizes,  but  for  pay      By  Anne  Stone                                           stitutional,  although  there  is
     for  the  three  hours  we  would   Did  you  know  that  this  pic-                              some  static  on  the  latter  point.
     normally  be  working.  I  ask  not   ture  shows  the  c he mica 1 s  in                            The  Times  is  keeping Farr  on
    for  pay  for  the day beofre  or  after   our  bodies  that  not  only .  deter-                  salary while  he  smolders  in  jail.
     a  vacation  or  for  the  entire  va-  mine  our  sex · and  physical  ap-                       Journalism  fraternities  all  over
     cation  period,  but  only  for  the   pearance,  but  all  of  our  behavior                     the  land,  including  Sigma  Delta
     holiday  itself,  such  as  Christ-                                                               Chi,  the  top  professional  so-
                                      as  well?  Most  people  would
    mas  day.                         know  them  simply  as  the  46                                  ciety,  are  backing  the  reporter,
       I  feel  that  this  is  not  an  un-  chromosomes  of  a  normal  human                        and  attorneys  (not  the  two  who
     just  request  or  does  it  jeopard-  body.                                                      refuse  to  admit  they  gave  Farr
     ize  benefits  of  full-time  employ-  The  particular  set  in  the  ac-                         the  information)  are  donating
     ees.  They  receive  holiday  pay,   companying photograph are  those                             their  services  in  his  defense.
     vacation  pay,  sick  leave,  over-  of  James  Boykin,  biology  in-                                Meanwhile,  a  pride-filled  and
     time  and  raises  which  the  stu-  structor.  Alan  Hoeltje,  a basic                           frustrated  judge,  with  shallow
     dent  worker  does  not.        science  major,  conducted  the   To  those  who  know  the  popular   reaso ning  and  shaky  legal
        I consider  myself  fortunate   tests  for  the  chromosome  analy-  biology  instructor  best,  the  re-  grounds,  has  condemned  Farr
     to  possess  the  job  I  hold.  I  en-  sis                     semblance  is  clear.  Look  close-  to  jail  for  an  indeterminate  per-
     joy  my  work  and  respect  the  po-  What  exactly  are  you  looking   ly. Of  course.  Jim  Boykin.  Well,   iod  of  time.
     sition  of  my  superiors,  but  I  do   at?  Boykin  explains  this  very   not  exactly  Jim  Boykin ... but   In  my  opinion,  this is another
     firmly  believe  in  fairness  and   complicated  concept  simply  as   his  chromosomes.         in  a  growing  series  of  attempts
     equality.  Our  country  was  found-  "the  46  chromosomes  at  meta-                            by  government  to  chip  away  at
     ed  on  these  two  principles.   phase,  when  the  chromatids  are   further  growth,  leaving  the  chro-  the  news  media  which  refuse  to
        No  one  likes  to  challenge   very  short  and  thick  and  still   mosomes  lined  up  from  too  to   become  a  press  agency  for  gov-
     established rules and regulations   connected  in  the  middle  by  the   bottom  in  the  middle  of  the  cell,   ernment.
           (Cont'd on  Page 3)       centromere·,"                     or  in  other  words,  in  the  meta-
                                        Of  course,  you  biology  buffs   phase  stage  of  cell  di vision.   The  courts  and  Washington
          THE CANYON  CALL           know  all  about  this  stuff,  right?   Slides  were  made  and  in  the  pro-  are  attempting  to  intimidate  the
                                        Alan  used  the  TC  Chromo-  cess  the  chromosomes  were  dis-  press  and  TV  as  never  before  in
        PUBLISHED  TWICE  MONTHLY  BY                                                                  our  history.  What  this  really
        STUDENTS  AT  COLLEGE  OF  THE   some  Culture  Kit  which  contain-  placed so that they were no  long-
        CANYONS.   EDITORIAL   OPINIONS                                                                means  is that the  courts and  gov-
        EXPRESSED  IN  THIS  P UBLICATION   ed  the  chemicals  and  step-by-  er  lined  up.  With  the  aid  of  a   ernment  are  attempting  to  intim-
        ARE  THOSE  OF  THE  WRITER  AND   step  procedure  needed  for  the   special  camera  microscope> Don
        NCYI'  NECESSARILY  THOSE  OF  THE                                                             idate  the  people  of  the  United
        COLLEGE .                    experiment.  The  entire  process   Takeda,  another  of  our  biology
             EDITORIAL  STAFF                                                                          States  because  all  that  stands
        Rick  Signoretti   Mike  Winslow   took  four  days.  During  the  first   instructors,  was  able  to  take  a   between  the  government  and  the
        Colleen Andreasen   Al  Boykin   three  days,  white  blood  cells   photograph  of  Boykint  chromo-
        John  Hunt     Judi  Conklin                                                                   people  is  the  press.
        Robert  Springer   Jim  Brown   were  cultured  in  a  special  me-  somes.
              PHOTOGRAPHERS          dium  enab ling  them  to  grow  out-  Biology  students  hope  to  ob-  Judge Older's action, it seems
        Bruce  McKinney   Johny  Albrecht   side  of  the  body.      tain  different  kinds  of  animal   to  me,  is all  part  of  this  over-
        Paul  Osterhues   Al  Boykin
                                        Then,  at  the  proper  time,   blood  and  make  slides  for  use   all  insidious  trend  to  curtail  the
                                     chemicals  were  added  to  inhibit   in  comparative  studies.   people's  right  to  know.
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