Page 11 - coccanyoncall_fy19721973
P. 11

Voters  To  Pass  On  Taxes,

         Death  Penalty,  Obuenity

                               By  Bill  Leach
           Proposition  14  is  the  first  of   the  term ·s  "obscene  matter"
        several  controversial  measures   "obscene live conduct",  and
        on  the  November  7  ballot.    "harmful  matter",  provide  addi-
          A  "YES"  vote  on  this  initia-  tional  criminal  prohibitions,  and
        tive  constitutional  amendment   make  provisions  for  seizure  and
        would  limit  ad  valorem  property   destruction.
        taxes,  change  various  other  tax-  The  bill's  proponents  state
        es,  and  revise  the  system  of  fi-  the  purpose  of  the  act  is  to  pro-
        nancing  public  education  an ct   tect children from  the debilitating
        social welfare. Total loss in rev-  effects  of  obscenity  by  eliminat-
        e n u e s  t o  t h e  s t a t e  an ct  local   ing hardcore  pornography, to  give
        governments  is  estimated  to  ex-  some  control  over  pornographic
        ceed  $1.233  billion  annually.   materials  to  local  communities,
          Proponents  of  this  bill,  in-  and  to  help law  enforcement con-
       cluding  Philip E. Watson,  county   serve funds through  more efficient
        assessor,  and  Joseph  B.  Carn-  use  of  its  resources.
       ahan,  president  of  the  California   A "NO" vote  would retain the
       Real Estate association, contend   present  law  relating  to  obscene
       that  property  taxes  will  be  re-  and  harmful  matter  and  obscene
       duced  by  as  much as 40  per cent   live  conduct.
       while eliminatingthe  legislature's   Opponents  state  that  the  bill
        power  to  exempt  special  interests   would  abolish the  protection  pre-
       from  taxation.                   sently given to recognized  works
          Dr. Norman Topping, chairman   of  art  and  literature,  such  as
        of  Californians  Against  Higher   Michelangelo's  statue  of  David.
       Taxes, and Ms.  Walter  Schuiling,   They  also  contend  that  the  bill   COC's  first  " .two-generation"  family  probably  is  that  of  Lt.  John
       president of the League of Women   is  so  vague  and  broad  that  it   O'Brien who was  one of  the school's  first graduates  and  its  first  teacher.
       Vot_ers,  are  among  the  opponents   would  make  it  a  crime  to  exhibit   At  left  is  Kathy  who  wi 11  graduate  this  year.  At  right  is  Karen,  a  fresh-
      ,. urging  a  "NO"  vote  on  Proposi-  an  adult  motion  picture  or  maga-  man.  Lt.  O'Brien  teaches  police  science.
       tion  14.                         zine  containing  a  single  photo-                               Canyons  from  three  different
          They contend that the bill  is  a   graph  "that  shows  the  nude  or                           points  of  view  as  a  teacher,  a
       cleverly  guised  tax  increase  for   nearly  body".               O'Briens  Set                   student  and  a  parent.  I think  it's
       workers  which  would  give  mas-                                                                   going  to  be  a  beautiful  campus
       sive  tax  breaks  to  the  land  in-  Congressman,John H.Rous-                                     when  the  buildings  are  complet-
       terests. They  further  contend    selot ,  running  for  reelection   M-ark  At  COC               ed  and  I  think  it  will  grow  with
        that  the  bill  would  eliminate  all   on  the  Republican  ticket,  will                        the  community as  it  has  the  past
       funds  from  the  state  going  to   speak  in  the  Student  Lounge      By  Laura  Leach          three  years,"  he  said.
        public  community  colleges,  fire   at  12  noon  Thursday  (Nov.  2).                               Besides  playing  the  roles  of
       departments and  law enforcement   Congressman  Rousse lot  is  a     For  the  first  time  in  its  short   student,  teacher  and  parent ,  Lt.
        agencies.  Furthermore,  they  feel   member  of  the  John  Birch   history,  College  of  the  Canyons
                                         society.                         will  observe  a  second  generation   O'Brien  has  served  on  the  Po-
        that  the  loss  of  revenues  in  de-
                                                                          turn o v e r  when  Kat h y  Marie   lice Science  Advisory  committee
        ere as e d  property  taxes  would                                O'Brien  graduates  next  June.   and  the  Citizens  Advisory  com-
                                           Hot  tine  Drive
        have  to  be·  reimbms-ed  by  in -                                  Her  father,  Lt.  John  O'Brien,   mittee  for  Proposition  1.
        creased  personal  income  taxes.                                 a  California  Highway  Patrol      Currently,  he  is  instructor  of
          Proposition  17,  another  con-   "Hot  Line,  We  Care"  will   officer  and  Police  Science  in-  the  Police Scien c e  course,
        troversial  proposal, concerns  the   conduct  a  recruiting  drive  for   structor  on  campus,  graduated  in   "Vehicle  Code",  on  Thursdays
        death  penalty.                  the  next  two  weeks.  Orientation   June.  1971.                 from  8  to  10  a.m.  and  from  8  to
          A "YES" vote  on  this  stature   will  be  on  Wednesday and  Thurs-                             10  p.m.
                                                                             Lt.  O'Brien  taught  the  first
        would  revise  present  California   day  of  this  week  and  next  Tues-  class  that  was  offered  by  coc
        laws  to  provide  that  no  person   day  in  the  Student  Lounge.   in  the  fall  _of  1969,  and  attended   Viewpoints
       over  18  years  of  age  shall  be   Times  are  from  7:30  to  8:30   evening  courses  that  were  of-
        punished in  any way  for  growing,   P.m.  this  week  and  from  12  noon   fered  at  Hart  High  School  before   (Cont'd from  page  2)
        processing,  transportation,  o.r   to  1  p.m.  next  Tuesday  (Nov.  7).   the  temporary  buildings  were   Lafer ,  Lqwell  Hukill,  and  Tony
        possessing  marijuana,  or  for    The  orientation  will  involve   built  on  this  campus.       Johnson  were  freedom  of  the
       using it.                         the  history  of  Hot  Line,  its  pur-  "My class (Vehicle Code) met   press, the  national economy,  and
          A  "NO"  vote  rejects  this  re-  pose and  its functions. Skits will   at  8  o'clock that  first  morning  in   needless  classifying  of  govern-
        vision.  The  proposition  does  not   illustrate  the  varied  types  of   the  conference  room  of  Vallev   ment  documents.
        legalize  sale  or  encourage  the   calls  received  and  how  they  are   Federal  Savings  and  Loan  As-  William  Baker,  oral  communi-
        use  of  marijuana.              handled.                         sociation.  Later  we  met  in  the   cations instructor,  moderated the
          Proposition  18,  the  obscenity   Because  of  the  rapid  growth                               forum  and  Mike  Redmond  was
                                                                          Hart  High  library,"  he  said.   sergeant-at-arms.
       initiative,  is  another  measure   of  the  community  and  the  nature   He  has  an other  daughter,
       subject  to  debate.              of  calls  received  by  Hot  Line---  Karen, who  is a freshman  at COC   The  next  View points  forum
          A  favorable  vote  on  this  bill   i n vol vi n g  suicide,  abortion,   this fall.            Friday  noon  (Nov.  3)  in  Room
       would  permit  local  regulation  of   and  drugs--more  listeners are ur-  "I've  seen College  of  the   a .::::..5  will  air  "Marijuana--Should
       obscenity,  revise  definitions  of   gently  needed.                                               It  Be  Legalized?''
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