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       Vol  III,  No.  6                                COLLEGE  OF THE CANYONS                                        December  5,  1972


      11  Win  WSC                                                                                        Call  Meeting

                                                                                                          For Noon Today
      Grid  Honors
                                                                                                             A  student  information  meet-
          Eleven  outstanding  Cougar                                                                     ing  on  the  vital  up-coming  bond
       football  players have  been named                                                                 election  to  complete  College  of
       to  Western  States  Conference                                                                    the  Canyons wi II  be  held  at noon
      ..a,ll-league  teams.                                                                               Tuesday  (Dec.  5)  in  the  Student
         Top  honors  went  to  Ron                                                                       Lounge.
       Jamerson,  named  running  back                                                                       All  students  are  urged  to  at-
       on  the  offensive  first  team,  and                                                              tend  this  important  rally  spon-
       to  Larry  Nunnally, tackle  of  the                                                               sored  by  the  Student  Se n a t e
      defensive  first  team.                                                                             Bond  Election  Committee.
         Wide  receiver  Wayne  Fogel-                                                                       Robert  Berson,  assistant  su-
       song  and  Gary  Payne,  guard,                                                                    perintendent,  business  services,
       made  the  second  all-conference                                                                  has  been  invited  by  the  commit-
       team  on  offense,  and  Bill  Lank-                                                               tee  to  discuss  plans  for  the  pre-
       ford,  defensive  halfback,  was                                                                   manent  _ campus  and  to  detai I
       named  to  the  defensive  second                                                                  f inane ial   imp I icat ions   of  the
       team.                                                                                              Feb.  6  district  bond  election.
                                                                                                            A  question  and  answer  period
           The  annual  football  ban-                                                                    wi 11  follow .
        quet honoring the Cougar team   Among  many  visitors."'to  COC's  Fine  Arts  Festival  last  weekend  were   An  architect 's  model  of  the
        will  be  held  Thursday  night,   Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  Kei I  of  Saugus,  their  son,  Charles,and  Dr.  E If i  Hum-  completed  College  of  the  Can-
                                        me I  here  inspecting  student  art  exhibits  in  the  Student  Lounge. The
        Dec.  7,  at  the  Ranch  House                                                                   yons  will  be  on  display.
        Inn,   Valencia.  Festivities   festival  was  a  combined  effort  by  the  art,  music,  dance,  and  drama   Nothing  is  more  vital  to  the
      •  begin  at  7  p.m.  Tickets  at   departments.                                                   future  of  College  of  the  Canyons
        $5  are  available  at  the  Stu-                                                                 than  the  up-coming  bond  e lec-
        dent  Activities  office.  Come                                                                   tion.  Learn  the  facts.  Attend
         honor  our  fine  football  team.                                                                Tuesday's  ra lly.
         Honorable  mentio n  kudos
       went  to  Rick  Lo p e z,  Ge off
       Brown,  John  Grisaffi,  Jerry  Sli-                                                                 Set  Xmas  Fete
       mak,  Steve  Pearson,  and  Bill
       Savone.                                                                                                For  Area  Tots
         Jamerson,  a  freshman,  was
       voted  the  second  best  running                                                                     College  of  the  Canyons  will
       back  in  the  WSC  this  year.  He                                                                be  conducting  its  s econd  annual
       gained  693  yards  in  nine  games,                                                               Christmas  pa rt y  for  children
       averaging  6  yards  per  carry,  and                                                              from  the  H ea d s tart  program
       scored  seven  touchdowns.  He's                                                                   serving  Newhall  and  Saugus .
       a  product  of  Sylmar  H.igh.                                                                        A  campaign  to  collect  toys
         Co-captain  Nunnally  is  that                                                                   will  begin  immediate ly ,  and  all
       rare  football  bird--he  plays  both                                                              students  are  as ked  to  donate  a
       ways  and  is  outstanding  both                                                                   toy.  Place  it  in  the  designated
       ways.  A  bulwark  of  strength  in                                                                containers  on  campus .
       the  pit  on  defense,  Larry  is  a lso                                                             The  Christmas  party  on  Dec-
       an  excellent  pass  blocker.  Also                                                                ember  18  io  the  Student  Lounge
       only  a  freshman,  he  could  be                                                                  will  feature  Mr.  and  Mrs .  Santa
       one  of. the  best  linemen  in  the                                                               Claus  who  will  direct  various
       state  next  year.                                                                                 games ,  lead  in  s inging  of Christ-
         Fogelsong  won   conference                                                                      mas  carols ,  and  he Ip  distribut e
       honors  despite  injuries  that  kept                                                              the  toys  to  the  children.
       him  out  of  four  games.  As  a  re-  The  lnternat iona I  Folk  Dance  Club  entertained  vis it ors  Saturday  after-  In coordination  with the  Toys
       ceiver,  he  logged  337  yards  in   noon  in  the  central  quad  area.  Maria  Reisch  is  group  advisor.  Other   for-Tots  drive ,  a  Chr is tm a s
       23  pass  completions,  scoring   faculty  instructors  involved  in  staging  the  project  were  Ann  Heidt,  art;   dance  will  be  he Id  December  16
       five  TDs.  He  comes  from  St.   Robert  Downs  and  Dr.  Robert  Freeman,  music,  and  Dr.  Rose  Soroky,   from  9  to  12  o.m.  f e aturing a
            (Cont'd  on  Page  4)       drama.                                                                  <Cont'd  on  P age  4 )
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