Page 5 - perkins_manuscript_ch2
P. 5

Page  6 •

                                       .A  mu.l ti tud  of  lndiru1  c&1e  to  the  c: mp  wi th  r es en ts  of  seeds,

                               aeo1~,  aud  honeyaomba  formed  on .fr~.mes  of  cane.  ~ ey n ero  o.  vocy

                               eood-na~u 'ed    1.d  affectionat  peo1,le.

                              ciir,abl1  b..  s igns,  and understood  all 'tliat  w  it&id  to  them  1n  the  same

                              mountainous  and  rough,  vthile  that  the  coast was  levG  and.  ea.~y  of

                              &oce  s ;  tl at  lf we  llent  till  the  interior of  the  oou.nt~r  we  ~oiu.d  have

                              to ».ass  over  t ive  r.aountain  r& ()8St  and  s. mwr:,  valleys,  and  tha't  ou

                              descending  the  last :ranee we  would  have  to  crusa  a  full  and  ~apid  Yiver

                              tllat  flowed  bEf  1;reen  steep  ball.k.:s •

                                      .Du.ring  he  night  the  so  uts  retur.11ed  and  reJor·~ed.  that  the  ln:nd

                              which  led  to  the  coast  wa.a  level  alld  contained  ~)lenty  of we.ter  and  pasture;
                               hey  not  been  able  to  see  the ocean,  al tho  the3· llad  travelled  fo:r.~

                              a.bout  a1:r  leagues  following  the  oourae  of  tl fl  canyon.

                              other n~tters ,  H!  mor  b:t"1  fly tell  histoq of  he  entry  -to  the

                              Valley  ot  the l  Santa Clara ..

                                8 tll,  We  proceeded  £ o r  6  hours  ovo1"  o:n.e  of  the t

                              and  steepest moim.tains · and  halted  in  a  gu.lly where was  much  water

                              villages  which v:1s.s  :nea:  ;   there w  found  a villages  together which musi
                                                                               .     .                              '
                              have  numbered  more  than  300  inhabitant  - - - wi"Gh  a  great  grain.We

                              res tad  for  one  day  whero  there was  a  village of  about  5u  na.U ve  ,,  I J

                                        For  the  be:nefi t  of  tliose  uot  aa1uainted  .d th  ear~v  California

                              lli:stocy,  it rney  be  v,1se  o  remind  t  om  ha  in 1769,  Ql'  therea  outs,

                              ~he  vtilii'  rnia Geest  ha ,pened  to  be  attracting international.  attention.

                                           sia had  oommenc      the  stablishment  o£trad.1ng posts  fOl"  the

                              "'oast  as  far  a.  Ft ..  Boss.   England  also  had  some  claims  based  n ,

                              l>ra.ko"s  voyages  searching tor a northwest  passage.         Spain ,was  already
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