Page 4 - perkins_manuscript_ch2
P. 4

Page  4 .J

                                111age.  which was  oft ~e :ro       ,.   We  to  comply  Vi  th  their  requests

                               so  as  not  to aisappoint  them.  We  enJoyed  their hoapi•t.11.t  w d  bounty,

                               whi c..,l),  cons  ...  ed  of  ee  ,  acor  ,  and  nu ts~  Furthermore o  ltcy  .. u  ished

                               us  guides  to  taite  u  to  the  a  eringO.t:laoe  about  which  tho;sr. gave  us

                               intomation,  ·vo  roached  1t quite  late.  1!h.e  dey s  march  ;vas  f  u.r  leagues.
                                        !l!b.e  country  rom  ·tho  villa,.ge  -~o  the watering-place  is!',.g

                               and :pictures 1ue  on  tlepl  ~n,  al tho  the  surrounding mountains  are  b  re  .

                               and  rugged.   O.n  the  plain w  saw  roarr,  groves  ot poplars  and whi te  oaks,

                               ;vhich  vere  vor:,  tall  aud  largefl   W.t1e  wat -,ring-plaoe  couisted of  a  st.ream,

                               conisaini»B mu.oh  water,  tilst  £lawed  in a  moderately wide  0~011  there

                               there were  mauy  willows  and  Near  the 1,laee  i'u  which we  comped.

                              was  a  pOl,)'U.lo w  lnd1~.n  vtllagQ;  the  1nhab1 tants  11 vad wi thou.  other pro-

                               t   ion  t                  eltor of  brauohes  in  the  form  of  an  inolosure,

                              for  thio  reason  the  soldiers  go.v  to  the whole  pln.ce  the  name  of  the

                              &meheria del  Oorral.

                               leagaes) •

                                                                     iet  re  our  eyes  ext ended vaa t  ~   . ta.1n

                              chains  whicb.  w  had n  oessarily  to  enter  1£ we  wis  , d  to  continue  ou1·

                              ocr~se  to  the  north or no:rtnwest,  as  these were  the  directions         at

                              advanta.geo1    and  most  oon  e.u.ient  for  our Jour.neJ•

                              more  we  penetrated  into  the  co'  ithe  orea.ter  the  difficul tiea

                              might  bth  and  that we  r· · ght  be  led veey  fa  "rom  t  e  coast.  It was

                              decidedt  therefore,  to  follow  U1e  cmcy-on  in whioh we  had  camped,  and

                               the  vourse  of  the  stream  U  l)Ossihle,  as  ·J>·r  as  the  aea.  To  th1s

                              pur1.JOse  th  sco 1ts.  who  llad  been  sent  out  early  in  the  morning,  had

                                :rdtu•   o  proc  ed  as  far  as  they  could.,  and  to  find  out  it  there  ere

                              ~ obs·tacl       on  the  2·oad.    or  this  reason  t   people  and  animals

                               rest  d  today.
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