Page 3 - perkins_manuscript_ch2
P. 3

v1s1jed.  us  here  recognized lather Gomes  and gu  e h1I;.  a:anembrace,

                               ..  · ·· . v e  -,  .hi.Jr.1  on  the· bark frQDl  the , shore:  he  also  r&cogn1sed  smor

                              la.see  and seuor Oons1auzo.  ~a day we  obae1-ved.  the  l.atitude,  m1d

                                        :nio   plor r  c

                              the  oOd  road.  a Ull oont1ln184  throl,lf;tl  the valley,  and  that  1 t  was  i1uUe

                              ;possi bl   o  IJO  b.J  we:,  f  the  beach.  9ll" s  oharmi:og  va.ll$7 wh1eh  'begin$

                              afta1•  from  the pas..,.  l  .named  8 · 1-ta  Cl~a.  We  tottn..i  liera  a

                              po  . lous  village.  end  the heathen w18hea  to  detain us,  tor  they had

                              prer}&"ed  tor us.  ~1e  perceived  t~t  they were _ havin(; a

                               e<lding,  a.:ud  th.q  showed  us  the  bride,  who  was  the most  dressed up  t:ntiiiiR"

                              From  here  on  1,te  womeu  begin  to  ear more  &(joent  cl o·th1J1B•  tor in  the Jtlace

                              aprttas  iihW wear deerskins  tJ1Pm  the wats t  dowl'lt  which  aer'le  as  skirts,

                              and  li ·t tle capee  of.  rabbit  SkiJl  to  cover  tho  1.4es t  '~.--  e  b~dy •  JJ
                                                                                           Ir  Y~1  ·
                                        hortl the J>iar3  Of  Oost - Ot:  the  .Illgineert  ,are  the  entr1es  of       /
                              the same  a.a  e.

                              havin.g  ah-ea~ been marked  out  bJ  the  · 1tneen who  lla4 be911  sent  a.head

                              ve'1!;/  earl.Jin the  morning.  Part_ Qt  the  way we  traveled  through  a  narrow

                              orm:,  n,  and ;part  Qver  ver;; high hills ot }?t.lrr& aoiL  the  ascent  end

                              desoollded  af toxwaida  , o  a  ll ttle v  ll~y  here  h      was  an  lllti   Vlll  e

                              tha  .ill.ha  i tan  a  ·had  eent  us  m tJseng  rs  to  the  al   d.e  Santa  Catalina,

                              a:nd  guid  a  to  show u  t~ie beat  jr  l  and  pass  hrou  the  range.      'I'hese

                              po  r  fe. l  s  had .... 1~e-9E,~ad.  refre"'hments  for our rcctption,  and  · s  theJ

                              mai•all,  tj1ay  made  he  most  ear.riest  entreaties  to  induce  its  to  visit  their
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