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3.8 Cultural Resources

                              on other parts of the construction site while historical/archeological mitigation takes
                              place, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(i).

               MM 3.8-6:      During grading activities. In the unlikely event that artifacts are found during grading
                              within the planning area or future roadway extensions, a paleontologist will be notified
                              to stabilize, recover, and evaluate such finds.

               MM 3.8-7:      If human remains are encountered during a public or private construction activity, other
                              than at a cemetery, State Health and Safety Code 7050.5 states that no further disturbance
                              shall occur until the Los Angeles County Coroner has made a determination of origin

                              and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The Los Angeles
                              County Coroner must be notified within 24 hours.

                              a.  If the coroner determines that the burial is not historic, but prehistoric, the Native
                                 American Heritage Commission (NAHC) must be contacted to determine the most
                                 likely descendent (MLD) for this area. The MLD may become involved with the
                                 disposition of the burial following scientific analysis.


               Provided that the County implements the proposed Area Plan policies and the above mitigation
               measures, potentially significant cultural, historic, paleontological impacts and disturbance to human
               remains would be reduced to less than significant.

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-23              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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