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3.8 Cultural Resources

               Area Plan and implementation of mitigation measure MM 3.8-7 would reduce the impacts to less than

               Proposed Area Plan Policies

               The proposed Area Plan Policies CO 5.3.1 to CO 5.3.3, LU 6.4.3, and LU 6.4.6 have already been cited.

               Effectiveness of Proposed Area Plan Policies

               The proposed Area Plan would reduce impacts on the potential disturbance of human remains. If the
               presence of human remains is identified during the County’s buildout, mitigation measure MM 3.8-7
               shall be implemented to reduce potential impacts on human remains.

               Plan to Plan Analysis

               The existing Area Plan does not contain policies that address potential impacts to the disturbance of
               human remains. The proposed Area Plan provides for mitigation to address potential resource
               occurrence. The proposed Area Plan provides for mitigation to disturbance of human remains, and the

               existing Area Plan does not. Impacts to this resource would be greater under the existing Area Plan.


               Implementation of the following mitigation measures would reduce potential impacts on cultural
               resources to a less than significant level.

               MM 3.8-1:      Avoidance is the preferred treatment for cultural resources. Where feasible, project plans
                              shall be developed to allow avoidance of cultural resources. Where avoidance of

                              construction impacts is possible, covering of the cultural resource site with a layer of
                              chemically stable soil and avoidance planting (e.g., planting of prickly pear cactus) shall
                              be employed to ensure that indirect impacts from increased public availability to the site
                              are avoided. Where avoidance is selected, cultural resource sites shall be deeded into

                              permanent conservation easements or dedicated open space.

               MM 3.8-2:      If avoidance and/or preservation of in place cultural resources is not possible, the

                              following mitigation measures shall be initiated for each impacted site:

                          a.  A participant-observer, as determined by the Native American Heritage Commission
                              (NAHC), shall be used during archaeological testing or excavation in the project site.

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-21              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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