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3.8 Cultural Resources

               evolution, paleoclimatology, and the relationships of aquatic and terrestrial species. Most of the potential
               fossil-producing rock formations are located within hilly terrain in the County Planning Area (Policy
               LU 6.4.6). The potential increase in development potentially affect paleontological and unique geologic
               resources. This would conflict with the potential for preserving significant fossil remains (Policy

               CO 10.1.4). Implementation of mitigation measures listed below would reduce potentially significant
               impacts on paleontological or unique geologic resources to less than significant.

               Proposed Area Plan Policies

               The proposed Area Plan Policies LU 6.4.6 and CO 10.1.4 have already been cited.

               Effectiveness of Proposed Area Plan Policies

               The proposed Area Plan policies would reduce the impacts on paleontological and/or unique geologic
               resources. However, the policies above do not identify general mitigation measures required if
               archeological resources are found to be impacted by the proposed buildout. Implementation of mitigation

               measures MM 3.8-4 and MM 3.8-6 would reduce potentially significant paleontological and/or unique
               geological impacts to less than significant.

               Plan to Plan Analysis

               The existing Area Plan does not contain policies that address potential impacts to paleontological and

               unique geotechnical resources. The proposed Area Plan provides for mitigation to address potential
               resource occurrence. The proposed Area Plan provides for mitigation to paleontological and unique
               geotechnical resources, and the existing Area Plan does not. Impacts to this resource would be greater
               under the existing Area Plan.

               Impact 3.8-4          The Area Plan will potentially disturb any human remains, including those
                                     interred outside of formal cemeteries.

               The County’s Planning Area has been a very active geologic area and has been transformed throughout
               the years. With the location of the San Andreas Fault within miles of the OVOV Planning Area the shape

               and the history of the Valley will always change and has the potential to uncover many unknown
               resources (Policies CO 5.3.1 to CO 5.3.3). There is potential for many human remains to be located near
               the Santa Clara River and the foothills of the surrounding mountains (Policy LU 6.4.3). Future
               development would require the disturbance and movement of earth and would thus have the potential

               for adverse impacts on human remains (Policy LU 6.4.6). Implementation of the policies of the proposed

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-20              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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