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3.8 Cultural Resources

                                     Commission that have traditional lands within the County’s jurisdiction, and
                                     consider the input received prior to a discretionary decision.

               Policy CO 5.3.3:      Review and consider a cultural resources study for any new grading or
                                     development in areas identified as having a high potential for Native American
                                     resources, and incorporate recommendations into the project approval as
                                     appropriate to mitigate impacts to cultural resources.

               Policy LU 6.4.3:      Maintain cultural resources from pre-historical Native American habitation and
                                     historical settlement in the areas around Vasquez Rocks, Elsmere Canyon, and

                                     along the Santa Clara River, through designation of these areas as Open Space on
                                     the Land Use Map.

               Effectiveness of Proposed Area Plan Policies

               The above policies of the Area Plan would reduce potential impacts on archeological resources. However,

               the policies above do not identify mitigation measures required if archeological resources are found to be
               impacted by the proposed buildout. Implementation of mitigation measures MM 3.8-1 to MM 3.8-5
               would reduce any potentially adverse impacts on archeological resources to less than significant.

               Plan to Plan Analysis

               Both the proposed Area Plan and the existing Area Plan contain policies that address potential impacts to
               archaeological resources. However neither Area Plan contains policies that address the potential for
               resources found during Plan buildout. The proposed Area Plan provides for mitigation to address
               potential resource occurrence. Consequently, impacts associated with the proposed Area Plan would be

               fewer when compared to the existing Area Plan.

               Impact 3.8-3          The Area Plan will potentially directly or indirectly destroy a unique

                                     paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature.

               Significant paleontological resources are fossils or assemblages of fossils that are unique, unusual, rare,

               uncommon, diagnostically or stratigraphically important, and those that add to an existing body of
               knowledge in specific areas, stratigraphically, taxonomically, or regionally. They include fossil remains of
               large to very small aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates, remains of plants and animals previously not
               represented in certain portions of the stratigraphy, and assemblages of fossils that might aid stratigraphic

               correlations, particularly those offering data for the interpretation of tectonic events, geomorphologic

               Impact Sciences, Inc.                        3.8-19              One Valley One Vision Revised Draft Program EIR
               0112.023                                                                   County of Los Angeles Area Plan
                                                                                                    November 2010
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