Page 12 - scvhs19901997minutes
P. 12

-3-                                   Bgard  Meeting

              City  (~on't)  C~ty Mgr.  George  Caravello  spoke  with  Paul  about  the  Society's
               role 11:  the  City s  future.  He  expresed  concern  for  the Old  Newhall  area  and
              wo~d like  to  ?ttract m?re  money  to  the  area with  attrations. in~arlilition  to
             Heritage  Jrmction.  Mention  was  made  of a  Strmt  Museum  in Moen,  ucaff
              relacating her  or acomuter  rail  system with  the  hub  at  San  Fernando  Road
              and  Magic  Mountain  parkway.

              Fourth  of July Parade;  The  antique  car was  not  available.  Possibly a  flat  bed
              truck  and  our  freight  wagon.  Mike  Vitale might  be  able  to  provide  help.

              Olde  Towne  Days;  Frenchie  Lagasse  proposed  that he  prepare  a  Spring  Pole
              Drilling Rig  for  our  next  Olde  Towne  Days.  He  will  plan and  oversee  it
              as  a  working display and  permanent  structure.  He  requires  a  narrow  space
              about  30  feet  in length and  labor  to  build it and  the  funds  for materials.
             M/S/P  that  we  accept  his  offer and  have  him  provide  us  with  estimates.

             Meeting  adjourned  at  approximately9:40  P.M.

              Submitted  by;

              Bette  Tilch
              Acting  Secretary
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