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                        Honorable  Board  of Supervisors
                       _Page  Three
                        May  23,  1980

                        The  Santa  Clarita Valley  Historical  Society was  founded  in 1975  and
                        incorporated  as  a-nonprofit  charitable  trust organization under  the  laws
                        of  the  State  of California.  It is  dedicated  to  the  preservation  and
                        public  viewing  of buildings,  books,  doctnnents,  photos,  prints,  records
                        and  artifacts  that have  histori~al  significance  to  the  Santa  Clarita
                       Valley  and  surrounding  areas.  The  Saugus  Railway  Station,  built in  the
                        la_te  1800' s·,  is  the  only surviving  railroad building  of its kind  in  the
                       Valley.  The  station was  offered  to  the  Historical  Society by  its owners,
                        the  Southern  Pacific  Transportation Company,  with  the  condition  that  the
                        station be  moved  off of its present  location by  June  30,  1980.  This  is  a
                       unique  opportunity  for  the  Society  to  develop  an  historical  facility_
                       utilizing  the  station as  a  musetun  to  depict  the  historical  events  of  the
                        Santa  Clarita Valley~  The  station in  itself is historically significant
                        in  that the  settlement of  the  Santa  Clarita Valley was  triggered by  the
                        construction of  the  railroad  line between  San  Francisco  and  Los  Angeles.

                        In  discussions with  the  Historical  Society,  the  refurbishment  of  the
                       station will  include  exhibit  areas  for  the  collected artifacts
                       obtained by  the  Society.  In  addition,  the  museum  facility will  include
                       an  office  for  the  Historical  Society  and  a  that ,rill be
                       available  to  the  Cotm.ty  as  well·as  other  tonnntmity  organizations.
                       This  Department.has  prepared,  in compliance with  the  California Environ-·
                       mental  Quality Act  and  with  the  State  and  County  Guidelines,  an  Environ-
                       mental  Negative  Declaration  indicating  that  this  project will not have  a
                       significant effect upon  the  envirornnent.

                       The  attached  agreement-has  been  executed by  the  Society  and  approved  as
                       to  form  by  Cotmty -Cotmsel.

                       It is  requested  that-your  Board  approve  the  attached Negative  Declaration
                       and  that  a  certified copy  of the. Board's  action  in  this matter  and  a
                       fully  executed copy  of  th~  agreement  be  submitted  to  this  Department  for
                       distribution  to  the  Society.

                       Rait:1. c1:r  .

                       Director           ·



                       cc:  Executive  Officer                   (30)
                            ·Each  Supervisor                    (5)
                             Chief Administrative  Officer  (1)
                             County  Cotmsel                     (1)
                             Park  & Recreation Connnission  (1)
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