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                                                        COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

                                  -DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND  RECREATION

                                     155 West Washington Boulevard- Room  1200- Los Angeles, California  90015 - (2-13)  744-4211

                                    May  23,  1980
                                                                                     . .,o.  oi LA.  Pks.  & Rec,.
           DIRECTOR                                                                   r.vr:-,.., ITIVE  OFFlr.'f:
      ..  RALPH S. CRYDER  -
    ~  ',  ,~fl:·'::  .             Honorable  Board  of Supervisors                   JUN  9 1980  PM
                                    Cotmty  of Los  .Angeles                      ~~'l,9,10, 1l ,12,1,~1t:S141516
                                    383  Hall  of Administration
       _:,  JOSEPH W. HAIPER
                                    Dear  Honorable  Board:

                                                     OONATION  AND  OPERATIMi  AGRJilliENf
                                            WI1H  TI-IE  SANTA  CLARITA  VALLEY  HISTORICAL  SOCIETY
       DEPUTY DIRECTORS                                   FOR  AN  HISTORICAL  MUSEUM
                                                           AT  WILLIAM  S.  HART  PARK
         Administration                                (Fifth Supervisorial  District)
       .  James Okimoto
                                    It is RECCl,1MENDED  that your  Board:
          Ray Dortch                      1.  · Approve  and  instruct  the  Chainnan  to  sign  the  attached
                                                 20-year  agreement  betlveen  the  County  and  the  Santa
           Planning                             Clarita Valley  Historical  Society  for  the  provision
        James Schumann                          of an  historical musetun  at William  S.  Hart  Park.
           Recreation                     2 ..   That  the  Executive  Officer-Clerk  of  the  Board  be
         Murri  Lubarsky                        instructed  to  forward  the  original  and  five  (5)
                                                copies  of  the  executed  agreement  to  the  Director  of
                                                Parks  and  Recreation  for_distribution  to the  Santa
                                               .Claritaflistoric~l_ Society.

                                         -3 •.  -App~oye. the . attached; Enviionm~ntal · -.Neg a ti:v,e:<Oeclara-
                                               , tion  for· this -,project:· mid ii rind: t:na ti :tl.iere::::will-- -be -. no
                                                .significant effect uppn; the: ~µyi_lJ?nme~t.  '•  .  .        .
                                                      )."{      .      .   .   .   ----- - --  •.   ·•·   '·-'   .
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