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Honorable  Board_of  Supervisors
                       Page  Two
                       May  23,  1980

                       This  Department  has  evaluated  a  proposal  from  the  Santa  Clarita Valley
                       Historical  Society  to  develop,  operate  and  maintain  a  musetun  facility,
                       for  the  purposes  of  displaying  historical  artifacts  of the  Santa  Clarita
                       Valley within William  S.  Hart  Park.  The  Society  is proposing  to  develop
                       a  musetnn  facility,  which  depicts  the  history of  the  Santa  Clarita
                       Valley,  that will be  available  to  the  residents  of Los  Angeles  Cotmty.
                       The  proposal,  as  submitted by  the  Society,  involves  the  relocation  of
                       the  Saugus  Raihvay  Station,  from  its present  site on  San  Fernando  Road
                       to William  S.  Hart  Park~  restoration of  the  structure,  construction  of
                       improvements  including  landscaping  and  irrigation,  the  management  and
                      :operation of  the  museum  facility and  the  mainte~ance  of  the  demised
                       premises.  All  work  accomplished  under  this project will  be  the  responsi-
                       bility of  the  Historical  Society.

                       Based  upon  our  evaluation,  we  have  determined  that  the  museum  proposal
                       would  be·beneficial  to  the  public,  be  in  the  best  interests  of the
                       Cotmty,  and  compliment  the  present operation  of  facilities  at Hart  Park.
                       The  site  identified  for  the proposed museum  is presently undeveloped  and
                       is  located on  that portion of Hart  Park  known  as  the  "Frew"  property.
                       The  proposal  as  submitted would  provide  for  an  orderly  development  of
                       the  property and  the  operation and  maintenance  of  the  museum  facility
                       involving  no  expenditure  of County  ftmds.

                       Provisions  of  the  Public  Resources  Code,  Sections  5135  to  5138  authorize
                       the  Cotn1ty  to  enter  into  an  agreement  with  the  Historical  Society  for
                       the  purposes  of providing.a muset.nn  _facility  to  benefit  the  public.
                       Specifically,  the  Cotn1ty  may  permit  the  erection  of buildings  and  improve·-
                      ments  on  County  property and  to  delegate  the  management,  operation,
                      maintenance  and  regulations  to  the  donor  upon  such  tenns  and  conditions
                      as  prescrihed by  the  County.  The  County  in granting  such  a  right  requires
                      that  the  public  shall  be  admitted  to  the  museum  at  reasonable  times  and
                      that no  charges  or  fees· for  admission  to  the  musel.Dll  shall  be  levied
                      except  such  charges  that  are  necessary  to  defray  the  cost  of operation
                      and  maintenance  of  the  museum.
                      The  agreement  provides  for  the  Santa: Clarita·V:al~ey Hi!s"torica-t Society
                      _ to undertake  the  complete  restoration:,  eonstruct_iori:,  6perat:iofr,: -rnan3:ge-
                      ment.,  and  maintenance  of the  musel:lnt  facility and, that· all cos1is  sha11  be
                      borne  by  the  Society.  in ·addition·,  the  agtel~ment  alscf a11ows  the  $ociety
                      to  retain  title  to  the  Saugus  Railway  Statiotii durirtg· the  fonn  of th~:s
                      agreement  (which the  Society has  the  option.  ~er  renew  for  an_additibnal
                      20-year  term)  and  donates  all str:uctures-,l buildings,  and  improv¢mehts  to
                      the  Cotmty  upon_ termination of  this  agreement.  The  agreement  further_
                      contains  the  standard provisions  for  the  protection  of  the  Cot.mty  and
                      Society,  such  as  hold hannless  and  indemnification  clauses.
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