Page 9 - coccanyoncall_fy19761977
P. 9

Instructional  Resource  Center  Survey

                      Please  fill  out  this  form  and  return  to  any  floor  of  the  IRC,
               the  Student  Activities  Office  or  the  Counseling  Office.

              1.    Do  you  have  an  IRC  card?          yes            no  ---     didn't  know
                                                     , ___ _
                     there  was  such  a  thing
               2.   Do  your  classes  require  you  to  use  books  or  other  materials

                     that  you  do  not  own?  yes                  no                If  so,  do  you  use
                                                        ----           ----
                     the  IRC               the  public  library                     or  other    ___ _,,please
                              ----                                     ----

               3.   How  have  you  found  out  about  the  services  and  materials  of  the

                    IRC?  an  instructor                   other  students                  orientation
                                               ---------                        ----
                    just  looking  around                    or  other                  please  specify

               4.   Have  you  used  the  audio-visual  services  available  in  1-106?
                    yes ____ no ___ _                  Were  you  able  to  get  what  you  needed?

                    yes ____ no ___ _                  How  would  you  grade,  A,  B,  C,  etc.  the

                    services  you  received?

              5.    Have  you  used  any  of  the  materials  and/or  equipment  on  the  2nd

                     floor  of  the  IRC  such  as  magazines,  records,  typewriters,  paper-

                    backs,  Xerox  machine,  etc.?  yes                        no                What  have  you
                                                                   ----           ----

                    Were  you  able  to  get  what  you  wanted?               yes             no
                                                                                   ----           ----
                    How  would  you  grade,  A,  B,  C,  etc.,  the  service  you  received?

               6.    Have  you  used  any  of  the  materials,  equipment  and/or  services  on
                    'the  3rd  floor  such  as  books,  pamphlets,  electronic  piano,  A-V  equip-
                     ment,  reference  service,  etc.?  yes                          no                What  have  you
                                                                         ----           ----

                     Were  you  able  to  get  what  you  wanted?  yes                        no                How
                                                                                  ----           ----
                    would  you  grade,  A,  B,  C,  etc.,  the  service  you  received?

       Please  complete  the  following  statements.

               7.    The  thing(s)  I  like  best  about  the  IRC  is/are

                                                                                                                    {OVER .
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