Page 15 - califmining1923
P. 15

STATISTICS OP ANNUAL     PRODUCTION.                  13

                      Total Mineral Production of California,  by Years.
                        The following tabulation gives the total value of mineral production
                      of California by years since 1887, in which year compilation of such
                      data by the State Mining Bureau began.        At the side of these figures
                      the writer has placed the values of the most important metal and non-
                      metal items —  gold and petroleum.
                        In the same period copper made an important growth beginning with
                      1897  following   the entry   of the   Shasta County     mines,  and   more
                      recently Plumas County.      Cement increased rapidly from 1902, while
                      crushed rock, sand and gravel as a group parallels the cement increase.
                      Quicksilver  has been up and down.         Mineral water and salt have
                      always been important      items,  but the values fluctuate.    Borax   has
                      increased materially since 1896.    War-time   increases,  1915-1918,  were
                      shown by chromite, copper, lead, magnesite, manganese, silver, tungsten
                      and zinc.   Most of these,    except   silver,  have  since  declined;  with
                      structural materials and copper increasing in 1920-1923,      also lead and
                      maornesite in 1923.

                                Total  Mineral  Production  of California  by Years, Since  1887.

                                       Tear                   j Total value of  Gold, value  Petroleum,
                                                              i  all minerals             value
                      1887                 __                    $19 785 868  $13,588,614  $1,357,144
                      1888                                        19469320    12,750,000   1,380,666
                      1889                    ._   .              16 681 731  11,212,913    368,048
                      1890                                        1&039666    12,309,793    384,200
                      1891                     .                  18 872 413  12,728,869    401,264
                      1892                                        18.300 168  12.571.900  .  561,333
                      1893                 _.                     18 811 261  12,422.811     608,092
                      1894                                        20203294    13,923,281   1,064,521
                      1895                     _                  22 844 663  15,334,317   1,000,235
                      1896 -_-_                                   24,291398   17,181,562   1.180,793
                      1897                 ._                     25 142 441  15,871,401   1,918,269
                      1898       _^                  —   -        27,289,079  15.906,478   2,376.420
                      1899        I. _  __                        29 313 460  15.336,031   2,660.793
                      1900        ■            __                 32 622 945  15.863.355   4,152,928
                      1901        L „    _                        34 355 981  16,989.044   2,961.102
                      1902        L                               35069105    16.910,320   4,692.189
                      1903              __                        37 759040   16,471,264   7,313.271
                      1904        ._      ___                     43 778,348  19,109,600   8.317.809
                      1905                 __                     43069227    19,197,043   9,007,820
                      1906                                        46,776,085  18,732,452   9.238.020
                      1907                  .                     55697 949   16,727,928  16,783.943
                      1908                    _      _            66,363,198  18,761,559  26,566,181
                      1909                                        82.972.209  20,237,870  32.398,187
                      1910                                        88,419,079  19,715,440  37,689,542
                      1911                 _.   .                 87 497,879  19,738,908  40,552,088
                      1912  __      _._.             __           88,972,385  19,713,478  41,868,344
                      1913                                        98 644 639  20,406,958  48,578,014
                      1914     _                               1  93,314,773  20,653,496  47.487,109
                      1915                                        96663369    22,442,296  43,503.837
                      1916                           _- -      I  127,901,610  21,410,741  57.421,334
                      1917                                    J  161,202;9e2  20,087,501  86.976,209
                      1918                                     i  199,753,837  16.529,162  127.459.221
                      1919           _   _      «                195 830 002  16,695,955  142,610.563
                      1920                                     1  242,099,667  14,311.043  178.394.937
                      1921 .„                    __„       ___   268,157,472  15,704,822  203,138,225
                      1922                                     i  245,183.826  14.670,346  173,381,265
                      1923           _.._        ._              344,024,678  ia379,013   242.731.309
                          Totals                     -        _!$a095.775.027  $615,597,567  $1,608,485,225
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20