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14                 MINERAL   INDUSTRY   OF CALIFORNIA.

                                                           CHAPTER   TWO.

                               Among the most important mineral products of California are its
                             fuels.  This subdivision includes coal, natural   gas, and petroleum, the
                             combined   values of which made up     75%   of the state's entire mineral
                             output for the year 1923.
                               There are deposits of peat known in several localities in California,
                             small amounts    of which   are used   as  a fertilizer,  and in stock-food
                             preparations, but none has as yet been recorded as utilized for fuel.
                               Comparison of values during     1922 and 1923 is shown in the follow-
                             ing table:

                                                         1922                    1923           Increases-
                                                                                                Decrease —
                                                   Amount      Value       Amount      Value      Value

                            Coal                   27,020 tons  $135,100   1,010 tons    $5,090   $130 010—
                                               103,628,027M cu.ft.  6,990,030  240,405,397M cu.ft.  15,661,433  8.671,403+
                            Petroleum          138,468,222bbls.  173,381,265  262,875,690bbls.  242.731,309  69,350,044+
                               Total value.                  $180,506,395            $258,397,832
                               Net increase .                                                   $77,891,437+


                                 Bibliography   : State Mineralogist  Reports VII, XII,, XIII, XIV,
                                    XV, XVII, XIX (inc.), pp. 152-157.       U. S. G. S. Bulletins  285,
                                    316, 431, 471, 581; An. Rpt.   22, Pt. III.

                               Coal production in California in 1923 totaled* only 1010 tons valued
                            at $5,090, being credited to Mendocino and Riverside counties.         None
                            of it was marketed,   but it was consumed for local camp purposes       and
                            for power and forge use in development      work on the deposits.    Besides
                            the localities mentioned  above, development work was also under way on
                            coal deposits in San Benito and Shasta counties.         In the former, at
                            the property of the San Benito Coal Company, it is proposed        to install
                            an electric-power generating and by-product         plant, rather   than to
                            ship the coal, owing to the distance from rail transportation.

                            Total Coal Production of California.

                               The very considerable    output of coal in the years previous to 1883
                            was   almost  entirely  from  the Mount    Diablo   district.  Contra  Costa
                            County.    Later the Tesla mine in Corral Hollow,        Alameda County,
                            was an important producer for a few years.        Stone Canyon, Monterey
                            County, was also an important producer for a short time, and there
                            has been some coal shipped from properties in Amador, Fresno, Orange,
                            Riverside, and Siskiyou counties.     The following tabulation gives the
                            annual tonnages and values, according to available records:
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21