Page 23 - autobluebook1920vol8_local
P. 23

Route 396         Page 442  Los Angeles Section
                 Keep ahead on Main  St.  Avoid right-hand road at tennis
                 court 21.6.  Thru Freedom 23.2.
           23.7  2.6 Fork; bear right.  Avoid left-hand road 30.8, turning right
                 with road just beyond.
           32.5  8.8 End of road; turn left across RR and immediately right along
           32.6  0.1 Aptos, sta. on right. Keep ahead along RR.  Caution for sharp
                 right turn under RR 32.7.
           35.6  3.0 Prominent fork, water tank on left bear right. Thru 4-cornera
                 at P. O. 36.0.
           36.1  0.5 Soquel, irregular 4-corners.  Keep ahead.
           36.8  0.7 Fork; bear right thru cut.
           36.9  0.1 3-corners; bear left across wooden bridge.
           38.1  1.2 Fork; keep right.
           39.0  0.9 Irregular 4-corners bear left with pavement.
                            ;               Avoid left-hand
                 road 39.4.  Same thorofare becomes Soquel Ave.
                    Santa Cruz City Map and Points of Interest, page 126.
           40.2  1.2 End of street; meeting cross-trolley, turn right onto Pacific
                    Left on Pacific Ave. is Note (b) Route 67 to The Beach Resorts.
           40.5  0.3 SANTA CRUZ, Pacific Ave., Front, Water & Mission Sts.
                 P. O. on right.
                  HOTELS— Beach Hotel  Inn, 37 Main  St., on Beach  Hill.
                  GARAGES—Cedar Garage, 301-303 Pacific Ave.
             Route 396—San Jose to San Francisco, Cal.—49.5 m.
                           Reverse Route 25.
             Via Santa Clara, Palo Alto and San Mateo.  Concrete boulevard all the way.
             Leaving San Jose and passing thru the college town of Santa Clara, the route leads
           thru a pretty farming district.  Orchards of many varieties line the highway for miles,
           while to the West the wooded hills of the coast range rival with splendid views of the
           waters of the nearby bay.  Approaching San Mateo and Burlingame the route passes
           thru a fashionable suburban district of San Francisco.
             Route 406 offers a very good option from Uncle Tom’s Cabin to San Francisco via
           San Bruno and S. San Francisco.
            Total  Between  For this and other exits see City Map, page 86.
           Mileage Point*
            0.0  0.0 SAN JOSE, Santa Clara & 1st Sts., banks on left.  Go south-
                 west with trolley on Santa Clara St.  Cross RR at W. San Jose
                 Sta. 0.7.
            1.2  1.2 Irregular 4-corners; bear right with branch trolley.
            3.3  2.1 4-corners, Santa Clara College buildings on left; turn left with
            3.7  0.4 Santa Clara,* banks on left.  Keep ahead with trolley.
            3.9  0.2 End of road; turn right away from trolley.
            7.5  3.6 Right-hand diagonal road; bear right with pavement.
            8.5  1.0 End of road; turn left.  Thru irregular 4-corners 9.5.  Thru
                 Old Mountain View 12.0.  Avoid right-hand road 12.5.  Cross
                 RR 16.5.
                    Pass Mountain View over to right 12.0.
           16.8  8.3            Straight thru with trolley.
               8.3 Mayfield, bank on right.
            •Santa Clara, Cal. (pop. 7,000, alt. 83 ft.), sit-  in the old mission buildings and in 1855 it was
           uated in a fertile valley of its own name,  is  chartered as a university.  In a room of the
           engaged principally in the cultivation of fruit.  college  building  is  a  collection  of  articles
           It grew up round the old mission  of Santa  saved from the old mission—candlesticks, pic-
           Clara de Assisi, founded Jan. 12, 1777.  In 1851  tures, chairs, vestments and the key to the
           a Jesuit priest established Santa Clara college  old mission.  •
             The GENERAL INDEX in front of book, gives list of Cities
               and Towns, with key to their location on General Index
                 Map, Hotels, Garages, Service Stations,  etc.
                    Frequent reference to it will aid you greatly.
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