Page 22 - autobluebook1920vol8_local
P. 22

Los Angeles Section  Page 441      Route 395
        hand road 28.3. Same thorofare becomes Monterey St.
            Right at 28.3 is Route 60 to Merced.
  28.5 11.5 Gilroy,* Monterey & Martin Sts., bank on right.
         GARAGES—Highway Garage, State highway, south of city hall.
         SERVICE STA.—United States Tire Sales & Service Depots located here.
        Straight thru on Monterey St.  Avoid right-hand road 29.3.
            Right at 29.3 is Note (a) Route 28 to Gilroy Hot Springs.
        Cross switch 29.7.  Avoid right-hand road 31.6.
  34.2  5.7 San Martin, sta. on right.  Straight thru along RR.
  38.0  3.8 Morgan Hill,* bank on right.  Straight thru.  Cross RR 39.3.
        Thru Madrone  Pass Perry  Sta. on  Thru
     17.8         39.8.           left  42.6.
        Coyote 45.6.  Pass Pomar Sta. on left 48.2. Pass Edenvale Sta.
        on left 51.0.  Cross RR 53.7.  Same thorofare becomes 1st St.
            San Jose City Map and Points of Interest, page 86.
  55.8  Fork, small park in center; keep left with trolley on 1st St.
  57.2  1.4 SAN JOSE, 1st & Santa Clara Sts.
         GARAGES— Letcher’s Garage, 214-24 N. 1st St.
            J. E. Sloan, 166 S. Market  St., opposite city hall.
         RESTAURANTS—O’Brien’s Confectionery & Luncheon, 30 S. 1st St.
      Route 395—Salinas to Santa Cruz, Cal.—40.5 m.
                  Reverse Route 67A.
    Via Castroville and Watsonville.  First 13% miles concrete, followed by 6 miles of
   oiled dirt, then 5 miles of macadam; balance good gravel and dirt, with 2 miles of con-
   crete entering Santa Cruz.  Summary:  15% miles concrete;  5 miles good macadam; 5
   miles oiled dirt and 15 miles good graded gravel.
    The route traverses a prosperous farming district. From Salinas to Watsonville the
   country  is open and  slightly  rolling and the  rich  soil  is  particularly adapted  to
    MILEAGE^  dairying and grain raising.  Near Watsonville hundreds of acres of the
     Distance  most highly developed orchards produce some of the finest apples in
   Total  Between  the country.
   Mileage Potato
   0.0  0.0 SALINAS, Main & Gabilan Sts.  Go north on Main St.
   0.1  0.1 5-corners at small park; bear left onto Market St.  Avoid left-
        hand road 4.5.  Cross RR 7.6.
   7.7  7.6 Fork; bear left with pavement across RR.
   8.8  1.1 Castroville, Masonic hall on far right.  Straight thru.
  11.7  2.9 Moss Landing, 3-corners, P. O. on right.  Bear right.  Caution
        for sharp left turn just beyond causeway over lagoon  11.8.
        Cross RRs at Pajaro Jet. 19.8.
  20.5  8.8 End of road; turn left.  Avoid right-hand road at blacksmith
        shop 20.8.  Same thorofare becomes Main St.
            Right at 20.8 is Route 65 to Gilroy.
  21.1  0.6 Watsonville,* Main & 3rd Sts., park on right.
         SERVICE STA.—United States Tire Sales & Service Depots located here.
   •Gilroy,  Cal.  (pop.  4,000,  alt.  192  ft.),  is  a  accommodations  here  in  the way  of bath-
                        houses, hotels and garages, and this spot has
  thriving town at the south end of Santa Clara  become a mecca for the health seeking and an
  valley and within  a few miles  of San Juan  unsurpassed resting place.
  Bautista mission, one  of the best preserved  •Morgan  Hill, Cal.  (pop.  1,200,  alt. 387  ft.),
  of the old missions  in California.  The main  is built on the famous Rancho San Francisco
  street of Gilroy  is part of the state highway  de Los Llagas, a piece of land granted to the
  from  S'an Francisco  to Los Angeles and  is  Castro family by the Mexican government and
  paved  its  full length  of over a mile and  a  later purchased by the Murphy family, who
  half.  Mount Hamilton, with  its observatory,  were members  of the Donner  party.  Mur-
  is in sight on the north, and Fremont’s Park  phy’s peak, towering 2,000 feet above the val-
  on the south.  The summer home of the late  ley, may be seen about one-half mile to the
  Robert  Louis  Stevenson, now  occupied by  west of town. The university of Santa Clara,
  Lloyd Osborne, and  the  cabin  of  the  late  Stanford  and  California  university  are  all
  Frank Norris,  are  in the low mountains on  within  50 miles  of Morgan  Hill.
  the west. The home of the lale Henry Miller,  •Watsonville, Cal. (pop.  8,000, alt. 23  ft.),  is
  cattle king of California,  is  3 miles south.  the business and geographical center of the
   Gilroy Hot Springs is situated in the Mount  Pajara valley.  It has splendid school build-
  Hamilton spur of the Coast Range mountains,  ings and  is the seat  of the Moreland Notre
  on the  side  of a beautiful canyon,  14 miles  Dame academy and the St. Francis orphanage.
  northeast  of Gilroy and only  43 miles from  Also  has  substantial  mercantile  establish-
  the city of San Jose.  The waters from these  ments and numerous fruit packing plants and
  wonderful springs are 112 degrees of tempera-  kindred industries.  It  is but two and a half
  ture and contain  iron,  soda, magnesia,  sul-  hours’  ride by  train from Los Angeles and
  phur and traces of iodine, arsenic and other  one hour from the seaside resorts of Santa
  valuable mineral properties.  There are good  Cruz, Del Monte and Monterey.
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