Page 3 - usfs_sangabriels2014_faq
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Forest Service is interested in moving forward on
proposed land use initiatives with the feedback
and support of the nearby communities.
What information was considered in
setting the boundaries of the monument?
The boundary decision is based upon the desire to
highlight the area for visitation, protection, and
management. The various uses permitted in the
monument as well as the monument’s boundary,
modified from legislative proposals for the area, a conservation education coordinator, and
reflect extensive input from the public and what is threevisitor information specialists. The forests also
necessary to protect the area’s historical sites and will replace signs throughout the area.
ecological values.
Will the national monument designation
Will a monument designation bring benefit visitors to the area?
additional resources to the area? The monument is an important recreational setting
If previous monument designations are an for millions of residents in Los Angeles County and
indication, this monument designation is expected surrounding areas. For many urban residents, the
to bring additional resources to the area. Already, monument provides the only available and
more than 4 million annual visits are made on the measurable open space. The site also provides
Angeles National Forest. That number is expected general educational, cultural and recreational
to increase with the designation of a national opportunities, including hiking, hunting, fishing,
monument. One study, released in 2014 by an horseback riding and cycling, and archeological,
economics firm, suggests that local economies astronomical and geological interpretation.
benefit from national monuments. Among the
findings is that “protecting public lands can assist Within three years of the designation, a management
western communities working to promote a more plan will be developed with public input. The
robust economic future” under several factors, management plan will be developed and
including jobs, income, property values and implemented pursuant to the National Forest
recreation. Planning Rule in an open and transparent process.
The Secretary of Agriculture has directed the Forest
Based on 2012 data, the Forest Service estimates Service to provide for maximum public involvement
that the Angeles National Forest, with the in the development of the plan, including
monument overlaying about half of the forest, consultation with tribes, State, and local
contributes 597 full- and part-time jobs and more governments, as well as community-based
than $39 million to the local economy. environmental conservation, health and justice
organizations. The ultimate goal is to enhance access
The Forest Service has also begun initial investment for diverse communities to an exceptional
to improve visitor experiences in the San Gabriel experience in one of our nation’s special places.
Mountains in its new status as a national
monument. The Angeles and San Bernardino Are existing water, flood control, utility
National Forests were provided $300,000 to hire and transmission infrastructure affected?
eight additional youth conservation corps crews to The monument designation will not affect existing
improve various visitor recreation sites and visitor operation, maintenance, replacement or
centers. The Angeles National Forest will add a modification of water resource, flood control, utility,
partnership coordinator, a volunteer coordinator, pipeline or telecommunications facilities within the