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the community, with particular importance on are also areas of high ecological significance,
clean water, clean air, wildlife habitat, and ensuring supporting rare populations of native fish, animals
there are accessible public lands protected from and plants. The monument is also home to iconic
development for children to play and experience species including the California condor, California
nature. (Source: spotted owl, Nelson’s bighorn sheep and 1,000-
year-old limber pines.
Over the past decade, elected officials have initiated
and Congress has approved two studies of the area Vegetation communities, including chaparral and
to assess the way the open space should be oak woodland, represent a portion of the rare
protected and managed in the future and to Mediterranean ecosystem found in only 3 percent
determine how to achieve additional recognition, of the world. The monument also provides suitable
resources and special designation to enhance habitat for 52 Forest Service Sensitive Plants and as
recreational opportunities for the area. many as 300 California-endemic species, including
Pierson’s lupine and San Gabriel bedstraw, that
grow only in the San Gabriel range.
Why does the San Gabriel Mountains
area warrant designation as a In addition to the enormous wildland and
national monument? watershed conservation values, a major benefit of
Designation as a national monument recognizes creating a national monument will be to vastly
the area’s important geological, ecological, historic, enhance recreational access and interpretative and
scientific and recreational resources. environmental education for millions of visitors.
The monument’s history is rich. In addition to The San Gabriel Mountains area, specifically the
important Native American and European sites Angeles National Forest, provides more than 70
and features, this monument has an equally percent of the open space and nearly one-third of
impressive array of 20th and 21st century scientific the drinking water for Los Angeles County.
and cultural achievements. There are more than
600 archeological sites within the monument.
Notably, two Native American rock art sites are
listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Beginning in the late 1800s, recreation became
popular in the area, which has since served as a
natural “back lot” to many Hollywood
The monument area also has a strong scientific
history. Mount Wilson Observatory is
internationally known as the place where notable
scientists such as Edwin Hubble and Albert
Einstein conducted research or visited. Established Will the Forest Service manage the
in 1933, the San Dimas Experimental Forest is the
only such forest in southern California and has a monument?
long history as a research site in the fields of Yes. The agency will capitalize on the opportunity to
hydrology and ecology. further protect the resources and engage in
watershed conservation while creating new and
The rivers of the San Gabriel Mountains National innovative ways to reconnect one of the largest U.S.
Monument not only provide drinking water, but urban area to the great outdoors. As always, the