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United States Department of Agriculture
San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
Frequently Asked Questions Thinkstock
At a Glance:
• Near Los Angeles on the Angeles and San
Bernardino National Forests
• 346,177 acres (342,175 Angeles; 4,002 San
• Managed by the U.S. Forest Service
What is a national monument?
A national monument is a designation given to
a protected area of federal land. National
monuments encompass landscapes and objects national monuments to protect natural and
of beauty, diversity, and historic and scientific historic features.
interest ranging from rugged California
coastlines to vividly-hued desert canyons to Does the local community support the
precious cultural and archeological sites. San Gabriel Mountains National
Monument designation?
There are 110 national monuments across the This monument designation is built on more
country managed by the National Park Service, than a decade of public support and advocacy
Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for permanent protection of the mountains
and Bureau of Land Management. The San and for enhancing the area’s recreational
Gabriel Mountains National Monument is the opportunities. There is broad support for the
eighth under Forest Service management. A designation throughout the business, tourism,
national monument designation prompts a new environmental justice, conservation, academic
management plan that is developed with public and cultural preservation communities.
A nonpartisan poll conducted in 2014 found
What authority does the President that four-in-five Los Angeles County voters
have to designate national monuments? (80 percent) express support for protecting
The Antiquities Act of 1906 grants the the San Gabriel Mountains and rivers with
President authority to designate national almost universal support (88 percent) among
monuments in order to protect “objects of Latino voters in the county. Specifically,
historic or scientific interest.” While most voters support permanent protection for the
national monuments are established by the San Gabriel Mountains and rivers because
President, Congress has also established they see this as providing tangible benefits to
Forest National October 2014
Service Headquarters