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S K Y L I N E   R A N C H  M O D I F I E D  T R A C T  60922 A D D E N D U M
               C O U N T Y  O F   L O S  A N G E L E S

               1. Introduction

                       3.  New information of substantial importance that was not known and could not have
                          been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was
                          certified or the negative declaration was adopted shows any of the following:

                          a.  The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous
                              EIR or negative declaration.

                          b.  Significant effects previously examined will be  substantially more  severe than
                              identified in the previous EIR.

                          c.  Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact
                              be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the
                              project, but the project proponent declines  to adopt  the mitigation  measures or

                          d.  Mitigation measures or alternatives that are considerably different  from those
                              analyzed in the previous EIR  would  substantially reduce one or more significant
                              effects on the environment, but the project proponent declines to adopt the
                              mitigation measures or alternatives.

               Preparation of an Addendum to an EIR is appropriate when none of the conditions specified in Section
               15162 (above) are present and some minor technical changes to the previously certified EIR are necessary.

               After consideration of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed modifications to the Approved
               Project, the County of Los Angeles has determined that 1) none of the conditions requiring preparation of a
               subsequent or supplement to an EIR have occurred, and 2) the circumstances described in Section 15164 of
               the CEQA Guidelines exist. Therefore, an Addendum to the Skyline Ranch EIR has been deemed
               1.1.2  Scope of Analysis in this Addendum

               The discretionary approval subject to CEQA for this project is the modification of Approved TTM 60922.
               As lead agency under CEQA for this action, the  County  of  Los Angeles  is required to evaluate the
               environmental impacts associated with this discretionary approval (modified tract map). The “scope” of the
               review for project-related impacts for this Addendum is limited to changes between the Approved Project
               and the requested modifications to the project  (Modified Project). The previously certified environmental
               documentation and related approved mitigation for impacts associated with the Approved Project effectively
               serve as the “baseline” for the environmental impact  analysis.  This  Addendum  also addresses changes in
               circumstances or new information that would potentially involve new environmental impacts.

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