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1. Introduction
This Addendum is an analysis of proposed changes to the Skyline Ranch Project (Approved Project)
(Approved Tentative Tract Map[TTM] No. 60922, County Project No. 04-075) for which an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2004101090) prepared by the County of Los Angeles was
certified on December 7, 2010. This document uses the County of Los Angeles’ adopted CEQA checklist as
a format to identify the appropriate level of environmental review (i.e., an addendum, supplemental EIR,
The Skyline Ranch EIR analyzed development of 622 acres of the 2,173-acre project site, which included a
total of 1,313 total lots—1,260 residential lots, an approximately 11-acre elementary school site, 10 lots for
park areas, 13 debris basin lots, 4 water tank/booster pump station lots, and 25 open space lots (1,313 total
lots). This Addendum evaluates the incremental environmental impacts of proposed modifications to the
Approved Project, including a realignment of Skyline Ranch Road, reduction of 40 residential lots (but
inclusion of age-qualified homes and a recreation center), modifications to housing product types, relocation
and expansion of park sites, and extension of multipurpose trails and bike lanes. After consideration of the
incremental environmental impacts of the proposed modifications to the Approved Project, the County of
Los Angeles will be able to clearly determine whether an addendum or supplemental EIR is required to
provide appropriate analysis and legal defensibility.
1.1.1 CEQA Requirements
According to Section 21166 of CEQA and Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines, when an EIR has
been certified or a negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR or negative declaration shall
be prepared for the project unless the lead agency determines that one or more of the following conditions
are met:
1. Substantial project changes are proposed that will require major revisions of the
previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant
environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified
significant effects;
2. Substantial changes would occur with respect to the circumstances under which the
project is undertaken that require major revisions to the previous EIR or negative
declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a
substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or
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