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Verdict    OF  Coroner's      JURY
                                    in ST.  Francis      DAm Inquisition

               s TATE  of California,                      )   ss.
                        County  of  Los  Angeles.          )

                IN  the   matter    of  the   inquisition      UPON  the    3ODY  of

                              JULIA  Rising        (Louis  Garcia       William    Y. Weinland,
               Marvin  Caspress, Frances Ruth  McIntosh Hopp, Richard  Earl
               Pike     Donald  Ferrell       Hopp, Nellie      Hanson,  Kenneth  H. Coe,
                John  Parker, Richard  Allen  Pike,  Carl  James  Mathews,  Jr.,
               .tGva  Holt,  Mazie  Curtis,  Solomon  J. Bird,  Roland  Errotchina,
                Thelma Mathews,  Leona  Johnson, Vida  Mathews,  Millie  Mathews,
               :i.Ddward  P,  Price,  Griffith  O.  Hughes,  Rosaria  Ruiz,  Frances
               Garcia,     Rosaria  Errotchina,  George  A. Mann,  William W.
               Neilson, Jr., Lyman  W. Curtis,  Oramae  Beverly  Berry,  Alberta
                Isaac,  William  W. Neilson, Sr., Tootsie  Garcia,  Margaret  C.
               Ely, Eugene  M. Frazer,  Deloris  Rising,  Adeline  Rising,  June
               Beverly Hughes,  Elenor  Rising,  Reba  M. Kennedy,  Dorothy  Fay
                Mathis,  Max  Bowsky, Charles  Eugene             Kennedy,  Lois  Bessie  Burns,
               Ethel  Elizabeth Cochems,  Ella             Della  Vinson, Harry  Garcia,
               William  Thomas  Stroud,  Carita Holsclau,  Pauline  Kennedy,                      Un-
                identified  Jap,  Carlos  Alvarado,            Belen Alvarado,         Joachim
                Kleiman, Homer  C. Coe, Ellen Crosno, Carmen  Alvarez, Billie
                McIntire,     Henry  Joseph  Voelker,         Bertha Jane  Neilson, Un-
                identified  boy, White,          4,  Frank A. Neilson,         A.   Thomas
                Kennedy,     Dorothy  Caroline  Mathis  , Louie  Martin  Burns,               Ina
                Rebecca  Weinland, Howard  Thomson,              Charley  Mathews  , Cecelia  M.
                Small,  Jane  Doe,      about  75,     Clara  Wilmot,      Raymond  Ross  Wilmot,
                Velma  Fay  Wilmot,  Nora  F.  Coe,  Robert  Kaderadek,  Timothy
                Andrews  , Ferrell Hopp, Clinton  M. Anderson,                 Barbara Ellen
                Hughes,    Jack  M.  :ct;ly,    Carl  J. Mathews,  Sr,)  Deceased,

                        Beforeore  Frank   A. Nance,    Coroner.

                        We , the  Jurors  summoned to  appear  before  the  Coroner

                of  Los  Angeles County  at  the  COROFER'S  Office,               HALL  OF  Justice,

                LOS  Angeles,      California,      on  the 21st  day  of  March , A. D.,           1928 ,

                to  inquire  into  the  cause  of  the  death  of  JULIA  Rising,                et  al,

                having  been  duly  sworn  according  to  law,  and  having  made  such

                inquisition  and  hearing  the  testimony  adduced, upon  our  oaths,

                each  and  all  do  say  that  we  find  that  the  deceased  was  named

                JULIA  Rising,       (et  al)  a  female, married, a  native  of

                Minnesota,      aged  about  29  years,  and  that  she  came  to  her

                death  on  the  13th  day  of  March,  1928, by  drowning  and  other

                injuries,  caused  by  the  failure  and  destruction  of  the  St.

                Francis  Dam,  and  we  find  that  her  death  was  accidental.

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