Page 14 - scvhs2000minutes
P. 14


                                         Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
                                                     Standing Rules

                               Last Reviewed, Modified and Accepted by the Board ofDirectors 2/21/00
              1.  That preparation and distribution of a yearly SCVHS calendar should be established as a
              2.  That there be two categories of Honorary membership in the SCV Historical Society: one
                  year Honorary Membership and Honorary Life Membership.
              3.  That special recognition be given to organiz.ations, corporations and life members.
              4.  That there be a Museum Advisory Committee with the Curator as Chairman.
              5.  That no Board member or committee chair shall incur expenses on behalf of the  Society in
                  excess of $50 or a maximum of$100 per month per project without prior Board approval
              6.  That recurring bills, such as utilities, be paid without prior Board approval.
              7.  To allow the Hart docents to meet in the Station at no cost to this organiz.ation provided they
                  abide by all facility use rules.  ·
              8.  That the Society adopt a fiscal year, 1 July to 30 June.
              9.  That seniors 60 and over be allowed a reduced rate on membership to be set by the annual
                 Board of Directors.
   0          10. That the Financial Status of Ongoing projects be presented quarterly.
              11. That the amount to be spent by the gift shop manager to stock and restock the gift shop
                 without authorization in a single instance be $250.
   0          12. That the gift shop manager run the gift shop on the net profits, based on the most current
                  monthly reports $500 must stay in the general fund.  All net profits go to the general fund.
              13. That all Board members be given a copy of the bylaws and the County contract; that the
                 incorporation papers be included in the packet.
   CT         14. That at least two Society members always be present, for security reasons when the station is
                  open to the public.
   0          15. That Lavonia Stem be named first on a plaque honoring persons who have made bequests to
                 the Society, with names to be added as specified by the board.
              16. That restricted donations accepted for a specific purpose, will be used for that designated
   0          17. That life membership dues be accepted in three equal payments over three years.  If
                 purpose only.

                 payments are not complete, member shall receive credit for regular membership.  At the end
                 of the payments, member shall receive life membership card.
              18. That Heritage Junction be restored using native plants only, as far as possible. That any
                  member or organization wishing to borrow or use any of the items owned by the SCVHS
                 must check such items out with the Site Coordinator or a duly appointed member.  (See
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