Page 12 - scvhs2000minutes
P. 12

Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
                                               Standing Rules

            l.  That preparation and distribution of a yearly SCVHS calendar should be established
               as a fundraiser.  9/4/79, revised 10/21/91
           2.  That there be two categories of Honorary membership in the SCV Historical Society:
               one year Honorary Membership and Honorary Life Membership.  1/2/80, revised       ·
               4/24/89, stet 10/21/91
            3.  That enly the name of the honoree appear on memorial pleq\les.  6/6/81, eliminated
           4.  That special recognition be given to organizations, corporations and life members.
               8/31 /81, revised 4/24/89 stet 10/21 /9 l
            5.  That there be a Museum Advisory Committee with the Curator as Chairman.
               5/23/83, revised 4/24/89, stet 10/21/91
           6.  That no Board member or committee chair shall incur expenses on behalf of the
               Society in excess of$50 or a maximum of$100 per month per proiect without prior
               Board approval.  2/28/83, revised 4/24/89,  11/25/91 and 8/24/92
    0       7.  That recurring bills, such as utilities, be paid without prior Board approval.  11/21/83,
               revised 9/25/89, stet 11/25/91
            8.  To allow the Hart docents to meet in the Station at no cost to this organization
               provided they abide by all facility use rules.  3/12/84, revised 12/16/91
            9.  That use of the Station be denied second or third parties for a profit making venture.
               1/85, eliminated 12/16/91
            10. That the Society adopt a fiscal year, 1 July to 30 June.  3/85, revised 12/16/91
            11. That seniors 60 and over be allowed a reduced rate on membership to be set by the
               annual Board of Directors.  6/85, revised 12/16/91
            12. That the Financial Status of Ongoing projects be presented quarterly.  8/24/87, stet
            13. That the amount to be spent by the gift shop manager to stock and restock the gift
               shop without authorization in a single instance be $250.  12/14/87, stet 1/20/?2
            14. That the gift shop manager run the gift shop on the net profits, based on the most
                current monthly reports up-ta $500 after truces must stay in the general fund.  All net
                profits go to the general fund.  12/14/87, stet 1/20/92
            15. That the Society ftfWe and ongoing community edueation program on historic and
               heritage oaks.  9/21/87, eliminated 1/20/92
            16. That all Board members be given a copy of the bylaws and the County contract; that
                the incorporation papers be included in the packet.  9/25/88, stet 1/20/92
            17. That at least two Society members always be present, for security reasons when the
               station is open to the public.  4/24/88, stet 1/20/92                           ~·
            18. That a plaque be ir.itiated with the names of persons ·who RfWe left monetary bequests  ·  ·
               and LEP,ronia Stem's name be first.  That Lavonia Ste~be named first on a plaqueL~
                                                                    'f4 ~ t; ~ i\  d,  1/4
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17