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4                       DIRECTORY  OF  THE

             15  Allen,  Charles  Maxwell,  '17,  Pembroke,  Bermuda.  Hamilton,  Bermuda.
            397  Allen,  Gordon  Hewes,  '17,  253  Summer  Ave.,  Reading,  Mass.
            526  Allen,  Howard Brigham,  '17.
             fi} Allen,  James  Thomas,  '17,  463  W.  22nd  St.,  N.  Y.  C.
                Allen,  Julian  B.  L; C.  A.,  '15-'17,  Bankers  Trust  Co.,  Paris,  France.
            526  Allen,  Robert  McClanahan,  '17,  Box  374,  Roanoke,  Va.
              4  Allen,  Sidney  Thayer,  '17,  26  Westmoreland  Place.  1601  Railway  Exch.  Bldg.,
                            St.  Louis,  Mo.
             12  Allen,  Wharton, '17,  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado.
             29  Alling,  Harold  Munger,  '17,  ins.,  (h)  416  South Craig Ave.,  Pasadena.  Rule  &
                             Sons,  Inc.,  621  South  Hope  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Cal.
             28  Allison,  George  Homer,  '17,  17  Beaver  St.,  Worcester,  Mass.
             12  Allison,  Philip  Douglas,  '17  c/ o  J.  A.  Hogle  &  Co.,  169  N.  Main  St.,  Salt  Lake
                             City,  Utah.
              4  Almy,  Samuel  Cabot,  '16,  280  Robin  Road,  Englewood,  N.  J.  c/o  Herbert
                             Lawton  &  Co.,  257  Fourth Ave.,  N.  Y.  C.
              8  Ames,  Charles  Burton,  '16,  '17,  aviation,  2337½  Second  Ave.,  Los  Angeles.
                             Harrison  Lewis  Co.,  322  N.  Canon  Drive,  Beverly  Hills,  Calif.
              2  Ames,  John  Worthington,  Jr.,  '16-'17,  5  Phillips  Place,  Cambridge.  148  State
                             St.,  Boston,  Mass.
             68  Ames,  Lawrence  Coffin,  '17,  bond  salesman,  20  Hillwood  Place,  Oakland.  315
                             Montgomery  St.,  San  Francisco,  Calif.
             184  Amick,  George  Ellsworth,  '17,  129  Grant  Ave.,  Takoma  Park,  D.  C.  Dept.  of
                             Commerce,  Washington,  D.  C.
              3  Amsden,  Charles  Avery,  '17,  4118  Monterey  St.,  Exec.  Sec'y,  The  Southwest
                             Museum,  Highland  Park,  Los  Angeles,  Calif.
                 Anderson,  Beverly  Caldwell,  '17,  438  Magnolia  Ave.,  Long  Beach,  Calif.
                             Pittsburgh  Nash  Co.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.
             133} *Anderson,  Charles  Patrick,  '17,  Mrs.  C.  P.  Anderson,  4512  Drexel  Blvd.,
             526             Chicago,  Ill.
              28  Anderson,  Charles  William,  Jr.,  '17,  334  N.  Mountain  Ave.,  Upper  Montclair,
                             N. J.
              13  Anderson,  Donald  Kennedy,  '17,  broker,  2835  Hartzell  St.,  Evanston.  Paul  H.
                             Davis  &  Co.,  37  So.  La  Salle  St.,  Chicago,  Ill.
              13  Anderson,  Rembert  Cassells,  '17,  Alta  Loma,  San  Bernardino  County,  Calif.
              27  Anderson,  William  Frederic,  '17,  9 rue  Edmond  Valentine.  S.  A.  des  Produits
                             de  Mais,  17  rue  du Helder,  Paris,  France.
              1  &  }  Andrew,  A.  Piatt,  Insp.  Gen'l,  '14-'15-'16-'17,  Member  of  Congress,  Glou-
             Hdqts.          cester,  Mass.  House  Office  Bldg.,  Washington,  D.  C.
              69  Andrews,  Charles  Prentice,  sales  mgr.,  825  West  Chicago,  Chicago,  Ill.  Perm.
                             add.,  1209  Saint  Paul  St.,  Baltimore,  Md.
             526  Andrews,  Francis  Stuart  Fitch,  '17,  salesman, ·1 Park Lane,  Glenbrook,  Drawer
                             321,  Stamford,  Conn.
              65  Annan,  David  Hugh,  '17,  stock  and  grain  broker,  1104  Board  of  Trade  Bldg.,
                             Chicago,  Ill.
              30  Anthony,  Edward  Augustine,  '17,  94  County  St.,  Attleboro,  Mass.
             133  Appleton,  William  Channing, Jr.,  '17,  cotton yarn,  Meadowbrook,  Pa.  Hardup,
                             Tilton  &  Co.,  1631  Land  Title  Bldg.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.
               8} Armour,  Donald Cochrane, '16-'17,  bldr.  and dvlpr.,  281  Linda Vista Ave.,  Pasa-
               3             dena,  Cal.  100  N.  San  Rafael  Ave.,  Pas_adena,  Cal.
             184  Armstrong,  Rogers  Newton,  '17,  48  Norwood  Ave.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.
             537  Arthur,  Frank Thomas,  '17,  P.  0.  Box 604,  Tryon,  N.  C.
              67  Ash,  Harold  James,  '17,  1793  Amsterdam  Ave.,  N.  Y.  C.
              12  Ash,  Wesley Owen,  '17,  2220  Beach  St.  U.  S.  Dept. of  Commerce, 310  Custom
                             House,  San  Francisco,  Calif.
             184  Ash kins,  Na than  Thomas,  '17,  mech.  eng.,  Keystone  Lubricating  Co.,  660  Third
                              St.,  San  Francisco,  Calif.
             133  Ash)ey,  Dexter  David,  Jr.,  '17,  346  Lexington  Ave.,  N.  Y.  C.
              13  Ashmore,  Sidney  Beckwith,  '17,  957  Allen,  Woodmere,  Long  Island.  72  Wall
                              St.,  N.  Y.  C.
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