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NorthLake Specific Plan
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

               above  mean  sea  level  (msl)  along  the  ridge  lines  to  approximately  1,250 feet  above  msl  in
               Grasshopper Canyon in the southern portion of the site.

               A mix of sage scrub and grassland vegetation types dominate the Project site. Cattle grazing
               generally occurs east of Grasshopper Canyon and, as a result, this part of the Project site is
               dominated by non-native grassland. Additionally, much of the southern portion of the Project site
               burned in 2013. Violin Canyon in the south end of the Project site holds nuisance water from
               irrigation run-off most of the year, but only contains flowing water for brief periods during storm

               1.3     PROJECT DESCRIPTION

               The proposed Project is detailed in Section 4.0, Project Description, of this Draft SEIR. The Project
               site comprises approximately 1,330 acres of undeveloped land in unincorporated Los Angeles
               County. The proposed Project involves implementation of the previously approved Specific Plan;
               specifically, the proposed Project would involve development of up to 3,150 residential units,
               9.2 acres of commercial uses, 13.9 acres of industrial uses, 791.6 acres of parks and open space,
               a 23-acre school site in the Phase 2 area, and a 1.4-acre pad for a future fire station.

               As part of the project, External Map Improvements, including connection to existing utilities and
               relocation of existing utility lines, drainage facilities, and other infrastructure would occur outside
               of area specified as the proposed Project site.

               To  implement  the  project,  the  project  Applicant  has  requested  approval  of:  (1)  VTTM
               No. TR073336 to subdivide 737 acres into a total of 407 lots; and (2) Conditional Use Permit
               No. 201500019 to authorize: (a) Northlake Specific Plan site plan review: (b) grading exceeding
               100,000 cubic yards; and (c) construction of water tanks and water supply infrastructure.

               Collectively,  the  Project  is  defined  as  the  entire  1,330-acre  Specific  Plan  site  including  the
               737-acre VTTM No. TR073336 area and associated External Map Improvements (Phase 1), and
               the remaining property for Phase 2 to be developed at a future time.

               The proposed Project has been designed to remediate potential geologic and flood hazards, and
               the residential and non-residential uses are separated from each other in order to protect the
               residential  nature  of  each  neighborhood.  The  proposed  development  provides  for  the
               establishment  of  an  interconnecting  internal  roadway  system.  The  Project  will  involve  the
               establishment of the necessary trunk lines and connections to provide water, sewer, gas, electric,
               cable, and telephone service to the proposed development. Consistent with prior approval, project
               implementation  would  involve  site  grading  that  would  fill  in  a  portion  of  Grasshopper  Creek
               Canyon to enable development in this area.

               Project grading would require the relocation of some existing on-site easements, pipelines, and
               utilities to accommodate the proposed cut depths and site plan configuration. Extension of all
               utilities and some services to the project site will also be necessary to accommodate project
               implementation. To facilitate the provision of utilities and services, annexation to the Santa Clarita
               Valley  Sanitation  District,  the  Consolidated  Sewer  Maintenance  District,  and  Newhall  County
               Water District will be required. Other incidental approvals have been issued (i.e., 404 Permit, 1602
               Streambed Alteration Agreement, and 401 Certification) to authorize development that will affect
               resources under regulatory agency control; however, these approvals have expired and would
               need to be reissued based on updated analysis.

               R:\Projects\OC\WCP_Woodrid\J0001\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary-042617.docx   1-2   Executive Summary
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