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NorthLake Specific Plan
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

                                        SECTION 1.0       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

               1.1     INTRODUCTION

               The  California  Environmental  Quality  Act  (CEQA)  (California Public Resources Code,
               Sections 21000  et  seq.)  requires  that  lead  agencies  consider  the  potential  environmental
               consequences of projects over which they have discretionary approval authority prior to taking
               approval action on such projects. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is a public document
               designed to provide the lead, responsible and interested agencies; special districts; local and
               State  governmental  agency  decision  makers;  and  the  public  with  an  analysis  of  potential
               environmental consequences to support informed decision making.

               1.2     PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING

               The project site comprises approximately 1,330 acres of undeveloped land east of Interstate (I) 5,
               west of Castaic Lake, and north of the community of Castaic, California in unincorporated Los
               Angeles County. Regional access to the Specific Plan area is provided by I-5, and site access is
               provided via the Parker Road and Lake Hughes Road exits from I-5. Local access to the Project
               site is provided by Ridge Route Road, which traverses northerly along the western edge of the
               Project site. The proposed Project includes development of Phase 1 of the NorthLake Specific
               Plan  to  be  implemented  via  Vesting  Tentative  Tract  Map  No.  73336  (VTTM 73336),  which
               includes  approximately  720  acres  of  the  southern  portion  of  the  Specific  Plan  area  and  the
               remaining property for Phase 2 to be developed at a future time.

               The  Specific  Plan  site  is  surrounded  by  undeveloped  land  to  the  north  and  east,  and  urban
               development on the south and west.

               The NorthLake Specific Plan Project site has been used as cattle ranchland since the early 1800s
               and was occupied by settlement “homesteaders” at various times throughout the 1800s and early
               1900s. Approximately 600 acres of the site were acquired by legal homesteading in the name of
               William Cook in 1916 and became known as the Cook Ranch. Several hundred acres in the
               northern and western portions of the site were acquired in contemplation of the construction of
               Castaic Lake in the late 1960s. The Project site continues to be used for limited cattle grazing.

               The Project site is generally underlain by Castaic Formation bedrock, which primarily consists of
               marine sandstone and siltstone. On-site soils are primarily porous, loose, silty-sand and clayey-
               silty-sand ranging in thickness from 2 to 52 feet. Alluvium occurs along the canyon floors of the
               site. No active faults or fault traces have been identified on the site. Precipitation in the vicinity of
               the Project site averages between approximately 14 and 16 inches per year and generally occurs
               from November through April.

               Grasshopper Canyon traverses the central portion of the Project site in a northwest to southeast
               direction. The topography of Specific Plan area consists of a steeply sloping ridgeline that runs
               northwest to southeast along the western boundary of the site adjacent to I-5. The eastern portion
               of  the  Project  site  is  characterized  by  gently  rolling  topography.  To  the  east of  Grasshopper
               Canyon, slopes gradually rise to a ridge on the site's eastern boundary. An intermittent stream,
               which  is  a  United  States  Geologic  Survey  (USGS)  designated  “blueline”  watercourse,  runs
               through Grasshopper Canyon. Intermittent drainages convey seasonal runoff to Castaic Lagoon,
               which is located south of Castaic Lake. The main tributary in this area begins well to the north of
               the Specific Plan area at a point generally parallel with the northern reach of Castaic Lake, and
               continues  in  a  southeast  direction  through  Grasshopper  Canyon,  eventually  reaching  the
               northwestern edge of Castaic Lagoon. Elevations on the site range from approximately 2,300 feet

               R:\Projects\OC\WCP_Woodrid\J0001\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary-042617.docx   1-1   Executive Summary
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